Travis Fentiman wrote to let me know about a resource site he has compiled which is built on Spurgeon’s recommended list of commentaries and upon resources such as the Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL). It is a gateway to older, online biblical commentaries. . . . Continue reading →
Reformed Resources
Calvin Birthday 2016: Resources For Understanding Calvin
John Calvin was born on this date, 10 July 1509. He died in 1564. He was author of many volumes (including a massive Bible commentary, hundreds of personal letters, and public treatises), most famous of which is his Institutes of the Christian . . . Continue reading →
A Curriculum For Those Wrestling Through Covenant Theology And Infant Baptism
Confessional Resources For 2016
Thanks to Reuben Settergren for setting up and maintaining these sites. The Daily Confession site takes you through the Westminster Shorter Catechism, the Children’s Catechism, The Heidelberg Catechism, The Westminster Confession, The Canons of Dort, and the Belgic Confession through the year. . . . Continue reading →
Resources On Prayer
D. C. McAllister’s excellent essay in The Federalist and a question from regular HB reader Clinton suggests that a resource post on prayer might be helpful: Audio Audio: The Role of Prayer in Sanctification Audio: The Pilgrim’s Prayer (1) Audio: The Pilgrim’s Prayer . . . Continue reading →
Modern Art And Ancient Faith
Sovereign Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Davenport, IA will be hosting a “Modern Art and Ancient Faith” conference at the Figge Art Museum auditorium, Davenport on November 14, 2015 at 7:00 PM. The presentation will focus on appreciating and understanding modern art from . . . Continue reading →
Resources On Conditions In The Covenant Of Grace (Updated)
Some thoughts relative to the current discussion about the nature of conditions in the covenant of grace: First, we cannot get this right unless we distinguish between the covenant of works and the covenant of grace. Part of the problem in this . . . Continue reading →
Free Book By Warfield: Faith And Life
Anyone who would be Reformed or become Reformed or grow in their Christian faith should read B. B. Warfield (1851–1921) and there’s no better price for a book by Warfield than $0. is giving away a free electronic copy of a . . . Continue reading →
Graphic Calvin
I get books in my mailbox regularly and it’s usually because someone wants me to say something about it on the HB. Today I received this in my mailbox and thought that you would want to know about it. It’s an illustrated life of . . . Continue reading →
Being “Nicea” And Leaving Church
Two recent podcast episodes that I found helpful on two topics about which I’ve been giving some thought: millennials and niceness. The first is Theology You Should Know with my friends Jared Beaird and Dan Borvan. Both have written for the HB. . . . Continue reading →
Resources On Keeping Justification And Sanctification Together Without Confusing Them
Justin writes to the HB to ask, Dr. Clark, You’ve probably been asked this many times, and have given a clear answer on it; But with the focus on sanctification and the gospel, how do we understand passages that emphasize “striv[ing] for . . . Continue reading →
ReformedCast: On The Distinction Between The Law And The Gospel
Thanks to Scott Oakland for inviting me to do episode 145 of the ReformedCast. We talked about the distinction between law and gospel. Scott asked good questions and we were able to cover a lot of what is currently being discussed now: . . . Continue reading →
Resources On the Doctrine of Sanctification And The Third Use Of The Law
Apparently, there is only one way to speak about sanctification and it is no longer sufficient to uphold and teach the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Westminster Standards (Reformed confessions) on justification, sanctification, and the third use of the law. . . . Continue reading →
Resources On Fencing The Lord’s Table
Some HB readers have been discussing the question of fencing the Lord’s Table. Fencing is a figurative way of speaking. There aren’t literal fences in Reformed Churches. It’s a way to describe the Reformed attempt to apply Paul’s instruction in 1Corinthians 11:27–32. . . . Continue reading →
Renewed And Improved: Gillespie Against The Normative Principle Of Worship
When I first came into contact with the Reformed faith about 33 years ago, there were two things that Reformed folk had to believe: divine sovereignty and the inerrancy of Scripture. It’s not that we actively disbelieved the other elements of the . . . Continue reading →
In Case You’ve Never Heard
One of the reasons why people resist the call to return to historic Reformed (and catholic) worship practices, e.g., singing God’s Word without musical instruments is because it is completely unfamiliar and thus seems implausible or entirely theoretical. It isn’t. Thanks to . . . Continue reading →
The NTJ Is Back!
One of my favorite reads, the NTJ, is back in black (and white). As the Old Lifers explain, it’s in print for now but will be migrating to an online PDF. They’ve put the latest edition, Winter 2012, online as a PDF . . . Continue reading →
Want to Help Plant a Reformed Congregation in Cincinnati?
Guest post by Zac Wyse. Zac is is an Ohio native and intern at Oceanside United Reformed Church. He spent 5 years working with Christian university fellowships in Europe and is pursuing an M.Div. at Westminster Seminary California. He blogs at Cincinnati Reformed . . . Continue reading →
Audio Available Now: Is the Reformation Over?
The audio from the Central Valley Conference on Reformed Theology at Zion Reformed Church in Ripon, California is online now (below). Thanks to Pastors Kevin Efflandt and Angelo Contreras and to everyone at Zion for their hard work in preparing for the . . . Continue reading →
A Useful Resource for Psalm Singing
So Psalm 58 invites us to have patience under persecution, to take comfort in the justice and judgment of God. Why? Because we know that that judgement – all the curses of Psalm 58 and the rest of the Bible – was borne for us by Christ. We, too, were children of the devil, deserving of all of this curse. But now, because that curse was carried for us, we know that when that last trumpet shall sound we will in Christ be found. So we need not fear the judgment. Rather, we look forward to it, knowing that finally God will be ultimately vindicated and glorified. Continue reading →