The Big Porn Lie

Easy Peasy helpfully describes how pornography deceives us. Pornography gives the illusion of help and benefit through the release of dopamine as someone searches for pornography. Notice I said “searches,” not “looks at.” The author distinguishes the experience of the hunt as more intoxicating than . . . Continue reading →

On Calvin And Biblicism

Nearly half a century after R. T. Kendall published “Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649,” the debate of “Calvin versus the Calvinists” rages on. Kendall’s was not the first attempt at pointing out supposed discontinuity between Calvin and his successors, of course. . . . Continue reading →

The Limits Of Patriotism

In my first church out of seminary, I preached a sermon in which I mentioned specific atrocities of the 20th century as illustrations of human sinfulness. After the service a man came up to me livid that I had singled out Nazi . . . Continue reading →

With Presbycast For Festivus 2024

Dr Clark joins HRA board members Brad Isbell, Dr Dan Borvan, Chris Gordon, as well as Presbycast co-host Wresbyterian, and HB contributors Sean Morris, Zoe Miller, and remarkably, the late Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones to air grievances and to crack jokes as we . . . Continue reading →

Vos: Christ Is On Every Page

The genuine believer takes the whole of Scripture as a living organism produced by the Holy Spirit to present Christ to him. On every page of Scripture, he finds traits and traces of the Mediator. Geerhardus Vos | Reformed Dogmatics, ed. Richard . . . Continue reading →

Ferguson On Celebrating Christmas

It’s often said that Christmas is actually a pagan holiday based on the Roman holiday of Saturnalia. But that is a bit like saying that Reformation Sunday is a pagan celebration because it coincides with Halloween. Some churches started holding a Reformation . . . Continue reading →

The Recovery Of The Call To Worship

Over the past several years, I have taught seminary courses on the theology and practice of worship in the Reformed tradition. The syllabus requires students to interact with worship services posted online, evaluating the elements, coherence, and execution of the liturgy. The . . . Continue reading →