Heidelblog Contributors
Mike Abendroth
Mike Abendroth (MDiv, DMin) is Senior Pastor of Bethlehem Bible Church (West Boyleston, MA), where he has served since 1997. He is host of No Compromise Radio and author of Jesus Christ: The Prince of Preachers (2007), The Sovereignty and Supremacy of King Jesus (2011), Things that Go Bump in the Church (2014), Discovering Romans (2014), Sexual Fidelity (2015) and Evangelical White Lies (2016). He is married with with four children. When not enjoying his family he is often found on a bicycle.
Jacob Aitken
Jacob Aitken teaches junior high English in Monroe, LA. He is an elder-elect in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. He studied at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS and earned his M.A. at Louisiana College.
Joseph Attieh
Joseph Attieh is a Reformed Christian from Lebanon. He came to the Reformed faith after a journey through other theological traditions and is passionate about spreading sound doctrine in the Middle East. Currently studying business management, Joseph hopes to complete his degree and consider seminary in the future.
S. M. Baugh
The Rev. Dr. S. M. Baugh is Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Westminster Seminary California, where he taught Greek and New Testament from 1983–2021. He is author of two grammars of New Testament Greek, a contributor to the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, the commentary on Ephesians in the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary series, The Majesty of High (on the Kingdom of God), and numerous articles. He is a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
Jared Beaird
Rev. Jared W. Beaird is the pastor Covenant Reformed Church (URCNA) in Missoula, MT. He was baptized in the Southern Baptist church, served in the US Marine Corps, and attended Moody Bible Institute where he learned, wrestled with, and succumbed to the doctrines of grace. Later he earned his MDiv from Westminster Seminary California. He is married to Liz, and together with their three children they enjoy the delights of the Pacific Northwest.
Ryan Biese
Ryan Biese is married to Ann, and they have three children: Dabney, Thornwell, and Charlotte. He is pastor of First Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Fort Oglethorpe, GA and hosts The Westminster Standard Podcast. He is a graduate of Grove City College and Reformed Theological Seminary.
Christian Bland
Rev. Christian Bland (M.Div. Westminster Seminary California) is a Teaching Elder in the PCA, serving as the Assistant Pastor of Spring Meadows Presbyterian Church in Las Vegas, NV. Christian is married to Michaela, and they have one child.
Bill Boekestein
Rev. William Boekestein is pastor of Immanuel Fellowship Church (URCNA) in Kalamazoo, MI. He is co-author of Why Christ Came and author of many more books, including Stubborn Prophet, Faithful God, and The Glory of Grace.
Aaron De Boer
Rev. Aaron De Boer is the minister at Bethany ARP Church in the foothills of Mount Baker, Washington. He earned an MA from Calvin Theological Seminary and is a ThM candidate at Erskine Theological Seminary.
Dan Borvan
Dan was educated at Westminster Seminary California and Oxford University. He wrote an MA thesis on Faustus Socinus (2011) and a DPhil. thesis (Oxford, 2019) on Pierre Du Moulin, “Fighting For The Faith: Pierre Du Moulin’s Polemical Quest.” Dan is chairman of the Heidelberg Reformation Association and pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, CA.
Ryan Broadhurst
Ryan Broadhurst is Assistant Pastor of Faith Presbyterian Church (PCA), Cincinnati, OH. He was educated at The Southern Baptist Seminary (Louisville). He is married and blessed with four children.
Mike Brown
Mike Brown is pastor of Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia, Milan, Italy. Prior to serving in Italy he was pastor of Christ Reformed Church, Santee, CA. He is a graduate of Westminster Seminary California, a veteran of the United States Army, and author of Christ and the Condition: The Covenant Theology of Samuel Petto (1624–1711) (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Reformation Heritage Books, 2012) and co-author (with Zach Keele) of Sacred Bond : Covenant Theology Explored (Grandville, MI: Reformation Fellowship, 2017).
Brandon Burks
Brandon Burks was raised a Roman Catholic, but came to saving faith while serving as a Navy Diver in his early twenties. After graduating from Westminster Theological Seminary, he pastored a Baptist church before “swimming Lake Geneva.” In 2021, he became a co-pastor at Ascension Reformed Church (URC) in Cincinnati, OH, and, in January of 2024, was sent out by Ascension Reformed to be the church planter for Christ Reformed Church in Northern Kentucky.
Fikret Böcek
The Rev. Fikret Böcek was converted to Christianity in 1987. He is a graduate (1998) of Westminster Seminary in California returned to his country in 2001 to plant a confessional Reformed church in Izmir, the ancient Smyrna, the persecuted city of Revelation 2:8–11, where bishop Polycarp famously died for his faith.
Casey Carmichael
Casey Carmichael holds a doctorate in theology from the University of Geneva. He is the author of A Continental View: Johannes Cocceius’s Federal Theology of the Sabbath (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019). He is also the coeditor of the Classic Reformed Theology series, published by Reformation Heritage Books. He has translated various works from the Reformed tradition, including J. H. Heidegger’s Concise Marrow of Christian Theology and John Calvin’s Necessity of Reforming the Church.
Atlas Chang
Atlas is a graduate student in an elite university.
Hohn Cho
Hohn Cho has been an attorney practicing in Southern California for 28 years, with an emphasis on corporate law. He was radically converted in 2004 while working as a lawyer in the entertainment industry, and has ministered to Christians in contexts including singles, college and career, married couples, and church plants and revitalizations. He has a passion for issues such as the protection of women and children, biblical (as distinct from “social”) justice, Christian liberty and legalism, and matters of conscience. He was an elder at a large church for approximately seven-and-a-half years. Currently, he is a congregant at Christ Bible Church, pastored by Patrick Carmichael. He married his wonderful wife, Heather, in 2012, and they have four delightful children.
Josh Christoffels
Rev. Josh Christoffels is an alumnus of Westminster Seminary California (2014). He has taught English to university students in China, served as a pastor in Chandler, MN, and currently serves as the pastor of the Hammond Christian Reformed Church in Hammond, IN.
R. Scott Clark
R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.
Antonio Coppola
Rev. Antonio Coppola (M.Div. Westminster Seminary California) is the pastor of Covenant Waterfall Presbyterian Church in Durban, South Africa. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian and Reformed Church of South Africa. He is also the manager of the Mukhanyo Durban Advanced Learning Centre.
Jonathan Landry Cruse
Jonathan Landry Cruse pastors Community Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Kalamazoo, MI, where he lives with his wife and children. He also serves as an editor for Modern Reformation and is the author of several books, including What Happens When We Worship (RHB, 2020), The Character of Christ (Banner of Truth, 2023), and Church Membership (P&R, 2024).
Job Dalomba
Job (B.A., University of Mississippi; M.Div., Mid-America Baptist Seminary) is pastor of Christ Covenant PCA in Woodstock, GA.
Ryan Denton
Ryan Denton (ThM) is an ordained Presbyterian minister and PhD student at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He currently serves as the organizing pastor of two church plants in Lubbock and Clovis, New Mexico. He is author of five books on evangelism as well as numerous articles. He lives in Lubbock with his wife and three sons.
Tyler Dowd
Tyler Dowd is originally from the greater Seattle area. While attending Azusa Pacific University (BM Music & Worship, 2019), his passion for theology and the Scriptures grew. Eventually, the Lord led him to pursue further education at Westminster Seminary California. He is currently pursuing an M.Div and MA. in Historical Theology.
Wright Draper
Wright Draper currently serves as an intern at Escondido United Reformed Church in Escondido, California and is an MDiv student at Westminster Seminary in California.
Iain M. Duguid
Dr Duguid (PhD, Cambridge) is professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary. He is an ordained teaching elder in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARPC) and has planted and pastored several churches including Redeemer Presbyterian Church (EPCEW), Barton, Oxford, England; Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Fallbrook, CA; Christ Presbyterian Church in Grove City, PA; and Christ Presbyterian Church in Glenside, PA. He is author of “Putting Priests in Their Place: Ezekiel’s Contribution to the History of the Old Testament Priesthood” in Ezekiel’s Hierarchical World: Wrestling with a Tiered Reality, or “But Did They Live Happily Ever After? The Eschatology of the Book of Esther” in the Westminster Theological Journal; “Nehemiah: The Best King Judah Never Had” in Let Us Go Up to Zion: Essays in Honour of H. G. M. Williamson on the Occasion of His Sixty-fifth Birthday; Ezekiel (NIV Application Commentary) or Song of Songs (Tyndale OT Commentary). He was professor of Old Testament at Westminster Seminary California when this chapter was published.
William Edison
William earned BA at The Ohio State University. He currently at student at Reformed Theological Seminary and lives in Cincinnati, OH with his wife, Sarah.
J. David Edling
J. David Edling teaches 11th grade U.S. History and Bible at Bradshaw Christian School in Sacramento California. He received his B.A. in History from Covenent College (2020) and M.A. in Historical Theology at Westminster Seminary California (2022). His research focuses on the New England Tradition and nineteenth-century Protestant Liberalism.
Alex Eppstein
Alex Eppstein is the pastor of Bethel Reformed Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Sparta, Illinois. He is married, with three young children. Outside of ministry and family, he enjoys following the Buffalo Bills and the stock market.
Bryan D. Estelle
Dr. Estelle has been an Old Testament professor at Westminster Seminary California since 2000, and is also an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
The Heidelblog has been in publication since 2007. It is devoted to recovering the Reformed confession and to helping others discover Reformed theology, piety, and practice.
The Heidelcast is the official podcast of the Heidelberg Reformation Association. With more than 800 episodes, the Heidelcast has been in production since 2009.
Jim Faucett
Jim Faucett is the US director of Shadow Servants, a ministry that seeks to assist African pastors in their understanding and discipleship in the Reformed faith and in the planting and growing of Reformed churches. He was converted in 1972 after serving in the US Navy. His theological and ecclesiastical journey took a few decades but he in 2018, he was ordained a teaching elder in Emmaus Church, Nashibenyo, Kenya.
Paul Fine
Paul C. Fine is pursuing a DPhil in the history of modern theology at Oxford University (Wolfson College) where he focuses on the development of American civil religion during the early Cold War. He previously served in the United States Marine Corps and as a contractor for the US Government. Paul holds an MA in Historical Theology from Westminster Seminary California and a BA from the University of Pennsylvania.
Gerry Fox
Mr Fox is an interested observer of the Reformed world.
Isaac Fox
Isaac Fox is pursuing an MA in Historical Theology at Westminster Seminary California. When he isn’t panicking about deadlines, he enjoys reading Dante and chatting with strangers at coffee shops. His writing has appeared in Modern Reformation, Core Christianity, and several seminary papers that he is confident his professors treasure.
Alan Giles
Alan Giles is pastor of Monadnock Congregational Church in Peterborough, NH. He is a graduate of Westminster Seminary California and of the U.S. Naval Academy. He earned a master’s degree in business, engineering management from Old Dominion University. He has served as an officer on a Navy submarine, a business owner, in missions and training foreign pastors, and as a church planter and pastor in California.
Keith Giles
Keith was raised in England in the Open Brethren churches. He has been an elder and minister and served Castlereagh Baptist Church in Belfast, Northern Ireland for fifteen years. He earned an MA in Theology from the University of Wales and an MProf. Studies from the University of Chester, both in conjunction with the Irish Baptist College. In recent years, however, he became Reformed in conviction and in 2021 he accepted a call to Covenant Reformed Church, Grande Prairie, AB (URCNA).
Robert Godfrey
Reverend Robert M. Godfrey is a pastor serving Zeltenreich Reformed Church (URCNA) in New Holland, PA since April of 2016. He received a Master of Divinity in 2007 from Westminster Seminary California and a Doctor of Ministry from Ligonier Academy in 2017. Robert met his wife Catherine in California where they were married in 2008, and they have been blessed with three little girls.
W. Robert Godfrey
W. Robert Godfrey (Ph.D., Stanford) is President Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Church History at Westminster Seminary California, where he served as president from 1993–17. He began teaching at Westminster Theological Seminary in 1974. He is a minister in the United Reformed Churches in North America, a Ligonier Ministries Teaching Fellow, and has spoken at many conferences including those sponsored by the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, and Ligonier Ministries. He is currently serving as chairman of the Board of Ligonier Ministries. He is author of, among other titles, Saving the Reformation, Learning to Love the Psalms, and John Calvin: Pilgrim and Pastor. In 2010, a festschrift was published in Dr. Godfrey’s honor entitled Always Reformed.
William Godfrey
Rev. William C. Godfrey has been a pastor in the United Reformed Churches for over eleven years. He graduated from Westminster Seminary California in 2010 and was called to be the primary preaching pastor of Grace URC in Torrance, CA in 2011. Since May of 2019, he has been serving as the senior pastor of Christ URC in Santee, CA. He has also served as a visiting lecturer in practical theology at Westminster Seminary California. Prior to entering the ministry, he worked as an attorney in southern California.
Chris Gordon
Chris Gordon was ordained to the Ministry of the Word in October 2004. He is a native of Central California, and prior to answering God’s call into the ministry, he was a high school Bible teacher in the central Californian valley. He earned his Master of Divinity degree from Westminster Seminary California. He previously served the Lynden United Reformed Church from 2004 to July 2012, and is presently Preaching Pastor at the Escondido United Reformed Church and is the radio host and teacher on Abounding Grace Radio.
T. David Gordon
Dr. T. David Gordon is a teaching elder in The Presbytery of the Ascension. Before retirement, he taught at Gordon-Conwell Seminary (1984–98) and Grove City College (1999–2021).
Luke Gossett
Rev. Luke Gossett (MA Westminster Seminary California; MA and PhD Candidate, Catholic University of America) is the pastor of Ascension Presbyterian Church (a mission of the OPC Presbytery of the South) in his hometown of Birmingham, Alabama. His dissertation focuses on the linguistic functions of the Hebrew word for “now.” Luke has been married to his wife, Jennifer, since 2014, and they have three wonderful children.
Laura Gregory
Laura resides with her husband Todd in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan where she is a member of an OPC congregation.
Kyle Grow
Kyle (B.S., Pennsylvania State University; M.Div., Westminster Seminary California) grew up in Pennsylvania. He is now is serving with Reformed University Fellowship at San Jose State University.
David Hall
Reverend David W. Hall is married to Ann, and they are parents of three grown children and grandparents of eight grandchildren. He has served as the Senior Pastor of Midway Presbyterian Church (PCA) since 2003. Previously, he served as Pastor of the Covenant Presbyterian Church in Oak Ridge, Tennessee (1984–2003) and as Associate Pastor at the First Presbyterian Church in Rome, Georgia (1980–1984). He was ordained to pastoral ministry in 1980. He was educated at Covenant Theological Seminary and is the editor and author of several volumes.
Darryl Hart
D. G. Hart teaches history at Hillsdale College. He is has written biographies of J. Gresham Machen, John Williamson Nevin, H. L. Mencken, and Benjamin Franklin. He is an elder in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and lives in Michigan with his wife, Ann.
Sebastian Heck
The Rev. Mr. Sebastian Heck (MDiv, PhD cand. Westminster Theological Seminary) is pastor and founder of the Selbständige Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Heidelberg.
Alex Hewitson
Alex Hewitson (MDiv, Westminster Seminary California) is the Ministerial Intern at Covenant Waterfall Presbyterian Church in South Africa, and a lecturer of Biblical languages at Mukhanyo Theological College. Before seminary, he had a career in business as a Chartered Accountant (SA). He enjoys refereeing on the Squash World Tour, and owns a coffee shop.
Foppe Ten Hoor
Foppe Ten Hoor (1855–1934) was a minister in the Christian Reformed Church and professor of Systematic Theology at what became Calvin Theological Seminary from 1900–24. He was born in Friesland, the Netherlands and educated at the Theological School of Kampen. He began and conducted his ministry in the Netherlands until he was called to Oakdale Park CRC in Grand Rapids, which he served from 1896–1900, when he took the chair of systematic theology at the theological school of the CRC. Read more»
Michael Horton
Tricia Howerzyl
Tricia was born and raised in Southern California. She graduated in 2007 with a B.A. in History from San Diego Christian College and an MA in Historical Theology from Westminster Seminary California in 2011. She is married, has two children and one on the way. They attend Escondido Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
Scott McDermand II
Scott McDermand II is pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Bad Axe, Michigan. He graduated from San Diego State University (BA, History) and earned masters degrees at Westminster Seminary California (MA, Historical Theology; MDiv). He serves on the board of directors of the Heidelberg Reformation Association as secretary. He has a passion for preaching and teaching the Word of God, Biblical theology, Church History, and enjoys fellowshipping with the saints. In his free time, he also enjoys baseball, reading, classical music, eating whatever his wife cooks for him, and walking their two dogs.
Tom Wenger II
Tom Wenger (1973–2023) graduated in 2003 from Westminster Seminary California with an MA in Historical Theology. He pastored in Washington D.C., Annapolis, and Crofton, MD. He is author of the essay “The New Perspective On Calvin: Responding To Recent Calvin Interpretations” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 50 (2007): 311–28. Tom was Vice-Chairman of the Heidelberg Reformation Association.
Brad Isbell
Brad Isbell is a ruling elder at Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Oak Ridge, TN, board member of More In The PCA, co-host of the Presbycast podcast, editorial member of Presbyterian Polity, and treasurer of the Heidelberg Reformation Association.
Neil Jackson
The Rev. Neil Jackson was called to serve as senior pastor at Andover Baptist Church in 2018, after serving as the assistant pastor since 2010. A native of Indiana, he holds a B.S. in Chemistry from Union University and a M.Div. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is married to Rubie, and they have three young children. In his spare time, Neil enjoys reading about history, working outside, and hiking with his family.
Hywel Jones
Dr Hywel Jones was ordained in the Presbyterian Church of Wales in 1963 and ministered in several pastorates in Wales and England over 25 years. During those years, he was a member of the executive committee of the British Evangelical Council of Churches, editor of its theological journal and chairman of its study conference. In addition he was co-chairman of the Westminster Fellowship of Ministers succeeding Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. The London Theological Seminary commenced in 1977 and Dr. Jones became its first principal in 1985, lecturing in Hebrew and Biblical Studies, Hermeneutics, and Homiletics. During that time he also taught in Romania, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, and Italy. In 1995, he was Scholar in Residence at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS, and since 1998 has been a member of the adjunct faculty at Puritan and Reformed Theological Seminary in Michigan. He became Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Seminary California in 2000. Upon his retirement, he board made him Emeritus Professor of Practical Theology.
Simon Jooste
Rev. Simon Jooste (Phd, Stellenbosch University) is a former USA Division I tennis player and CPA now living in his native South Africa serving the Reformed Church Southern Suburbs. He is a research associate for Stellenbosch and North-West Universities working on Embodiment and Power: the Essential Nature of the Women in Office Debate (2022) and Pilgrim Politics: Putting the Cruciform back in the Creedal (2023).
Adam Kaloostian
Adam Kaloostian is a graduate of Biola University and Westminster Seminary California. He was ordained to the ministry of Word and sacrament in the United Reformed Churches in 2001. He served as the preaching pastor of Ontario Reformed Church from 2004–21. He is presently pastor of Ventura Reformed (URNCA). He is married to Lena and they have one child.
Jeffrey Karel
Rev. Karel and his wife, Emily, are natives of the Grand Rapids, MI area, but now live in South-Central Washington. Jeff is Minister of Word and Sacrament at The United Reformed Church of Sunnyside (URCNA). He is a graduate of Calvin College and Westminster Seminary California, a board/tabletop game enthusiast, and a zealous slayer of varmints.
Donald Keddie
Donald Keddie (B.A. Grove City College; M.A. St. John’s College, Annapolis; M.A.T. Duke University) teaches at Kookmin University in Seoul. He grew up in the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Scotland and North America, but has made South Korea his home for the past two decades. He is a Ph.D. candidate (University of Dallas, IPS Politics), writing a commentary on a portion of Plutarch’s Lives.
Zach Keele
Rev. Zachary Keele grew up on a ranch in a small town named Crawford, Colorado. He attended Geneva College in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania and received his Master of Divinity from Westminster Seminary California. He has served as the pastor of Escondido OPC since 2006.
Brian Lee
Rev. Dr. Brian Lee (B.A., Stanford; M.A., Westminster Seminary California; Ph.D., Calvin Theological Seminary) is the founding pastor of Christ Reformed DC. Prior to being called to plant CRDC, Brian worked on Capitol Hill in various capacities, and previously worked as an editor and writer for Modern Reformation and the White Horse Inn. He has authored numerous popular articles and has published scholarly works on the biblical interpretation of the Reformation. He has taught at Reformed Theological Seminary, Calvin College, and Calvin Seminary. He lives with his wife and daughter in Alexandria, Virginia.
Inwoo Lee
Inwoo Lee (BA, UCSD) earned his MA (Historical Theology) in 2020 from Westminster Seminary California and is author of “Righteous Before God: William Perkins’ Doctrine of Justification in Elizabethan England” (MA Thesis, Westminster Seminary California, 2020). He lives in the Great Seoul area, in South Korea with his wife Holly.
Shane Lems
Shane Lems is a graduate of Westminster Seminary California and has a DMin from RTS Orlando. He has been a church planter and pastor in the URCNA. Since 2013 he’s been serving as pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Hammond, WI. He is married and has four children. Shane has written numerous articles for Modern Reformation, New Horizons, and other publications. He is also the author of Doctrines of Grace: Student Edition and manages a book blog, The Reformed Reader.
C. S. Lewis
C. S. Lewis (1898–1963) was born in Belfast, educated prep schools in England, Belfast, and earned his undergraduate degree at Oxford. He was a military veteran of World War I and, in 1925, appointed tutor in Magdalen College, Oxford. He was converted to Christianity in 1931 and became a prominent literary critic, scholar of Norse mythology, Medieval and Sixteenth-Century English, and a leading apologist for Christianity. His academic work is still appreciated by scholars and his popular fiction (e.g., The Chronicles of Narnia are beloved by millions.
David Mendoza
David Mendoza an educator at a classical academy in California and a contributor for Young Voices. He holds a B.A. from The Master’s University and an M.A. from Westminster Seminary California. He is a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
Andrew Menkis
Andrew is a Theology & Rhetoric teacher with a passion for helping others see and experience the truth, beauty, and goodness of God and his creation. Andrew’s poetry and prose has been published by Core Christianity, The Gospel Coalition, Modern Reformation Magazine and Ekstasis. You can find more of his writing at andrewmenkis.com.
Jack Miller
Jack has been married to Barbara, his partner in the faith, since 1973. They have three daughters and sons-in-law who have blessed them with eleven grandchildren. A Ruling Elder formerly at El Camino OPC , he currently resides as a member of Christ Church Plano (ACNA). Jack has been writing on Reformation and Reformed topics at The World’s Ruined blog since 2010. He is a graduate of the University of California Santa Barbara (1974) and holds a Master’s degree in Biblical Counseling from Grace Theological Seminary (1983).
Zoe Miller
Zoe is a missionary kid, pastor’s wife, and enthusiastically Presbyterian lady. Zoe and her husband Seth live in Couer d’Alene, ID, where he is the planting pastor at Immanuel Presbyterian Church (PCA). A freelance journalist and writer, Zoe occasionally appears in World Magazine, Presbyterian Polity, and other publications. In her spare time, she enjoys cohosting the Presbygirls podcast with her friend Sarah Morris, enjoying beautiful Northern Idaho outdoors, and haranguing her friends on the website formerly known as Twitter.
Nathanael Milne
Nathanael Milne (BA, Thomas Edison State University, MA, Historical Theology Westminster Seminary California) wrote his MA thesis on patristic covenant theology. He lives and works in Grand Rapids.
Fedor Minakov
Fedor Minakov (MDiv, Westminster Seminary California; ThM Cand. Westminster Theological Seminary) is Professor of Old Testament at the Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine in Kyiv.
Sarah Morris
Sarah Morris lives with her husband, her three children, and her pathetic excuse for a dog. She is a member of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Sean Morris
Sean was educated at Grove City College, Reformed Theological Seminary (Jackson, MS), and the University of Glasgow (Scotland). He is an ordained teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America, and serves as a minister at the Covenant Presbyterian Church in Oak Ridge, TN. He also serves as the Academic Dean of the Blue Ridge Institute for Theological Education. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Historical Theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Sean lives in Oak Ridge with his wife, Sarah, along with their children and useless beagle.
Patrick J. O’Banion
Patrick J. O’Banion graduated from Westminster Seminary California (MA, Historical Theology) and earned his PhD in history at St Louis University. He was professor of History at Lindenwood University (St. Charles, MO) 2009–19. He has also published three books on early Modern Spain and numerous articles in academic journals. He is the translator of Girolamo Zanchi, The Spiritual Marriage between Christ and His Church and Every One of the Faithful. Patrick was ordained as a ruling elder in the PCA in 2008 and he is now licensed to preach by the Siouxlands Presbytery, PCA.
Jon Payne
The Rev. Dr. Jon D. Payne is the organizing pastor of Christ Church Presbyterian, in Mt Pleasant, SC, where he has served as Senior Minister since 2013. He previously served for 10 years as the senior pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Douglasville, Georgia, near Atlanta (2003–13). He was educated at Reformed Theological Seminary and the University of Edinburgh, New College. He also serves as Executive Director of the Gospel Reformation Network. He is author and editor of several books.
Harrison Perkins
Harrison Perkins (PhD, Queen’s University Belfast; MDiv, Westminster Seminary California) is pastor of Oakland Hills Community Church (OPC), a member of the of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, a Senior Research Fellow at the Craig Center for the Study of the Westminster Standards, associate online instructor in church history at Westminster Theological Seminary, a visiting lecturer in systematic theology at Edinburgh Theological Seminary, and author of Reformed Covenant Theology: A Systematic Introduction.
Sarah Perkins
Sarah Perkins (MSc Business and Management, University of Essex; BA Art, University of Montevallo) is a pastor’s wife, married to Harrison, and artist based out of Michigan. She recently changed from full-time work in education management to being a full-time mom to their son Scott. She is the artist behind Illustrated Theology, also doing all the art for The New Geneva, and enjoys reading, travelling, and remembering and reciting useless trivia.
Tony Phelps
Tony grew up in Rhode Island. He was educated at BA (University of Rhode Island) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He worked in the insurance industry for ten years. He planted a PCA church in Wakefield, RI where he served for eleven years. In 2015–18 he pastored Covenant Reformed Church (URCNA) in Colorado Springs. He is currently pastor of Living Hope (OPC). Tony is married to Donna and together they have three children.
Jeremiah Pitts
Jeremiah Pitts is the Vice Chancellor of African Bible University in Uganda having previously served at Albany State University and Darton State College where he earned tenure and worked as a professor and administrator for thirteen years. He is a Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church of America and an alumnus of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC where he received his Master of Theological Studies in 2004, in addition to his degrees from Bob Jones University and the University of South Carolina.
Joseph Pollard
Joseph Pollard came to Christ through God’s ordinary means of grace as a covenant child in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He grew up in a suburb of Los Angeles, CA; he now lives in Phoenix, AZ with his beloved wife and sons. Joseph enjoys fostering fellowship over food, games, songs, and stories.
Bill Reddinger
Bill Reddinger serves as Associate Professor of Government at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA. Since 2010, he has taught courses there in American politics and the history of political philosophy. He was educated at Northern Illinois University (PhD, MA) and Grove City College (BA). He and his family are members of a PCA congregation.
Austin Reifel
Austin Reifel grew up in Bakersfield, California. After graduating college with a business degree and a passion to teach God’s Word, the Lord led Austin to pursue a seminary education at Westminster Seminary California. In seminary, the Reifel family was introduced to the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA) where they were warmly welcomed and further prepared for ministry. He and his family—wife Sharon and three daughters—now live in Indianapolis, IN where Austin serves as pastor at Indy Reformed Church, a mission work of the URC.
Judith Riddell
Judith lives in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. She has a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (Westminster Seminary, California) and a PhD in Education (Queen’s University, Belfast) focusing on teenage literacy and digital technologies. She loves teaching, writing, and reading books in comfy chairs.
Kim Riddlebarger
Kim is a graduate of Simon Greenleaf School of Law (M.A.), Westminster Seminary California (M.A., M. Div.), and Fuller Theological Seminary (Ph.D.). From 1995–2020 he was senior pastor of Christ Reformed Church (URCNA) in Anaheim. He was a long-time co-host of the White Horse Inn radio show and is currently Visiting Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Seminary California. Follow his work at The Riddleblog.
James Ritchey
James Ritchey is originally from Birmingham, Alabama and studied at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS (2018). James serves as mission developer and pastor at River City Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP) in Little Rock, AR.
Shane Rosenthal
Shane Rosenthal is the founder and host of The Humble Skeptic podcast. He was one of the creators of the White Horse Inn, which he also hosted from 2019–2021, and he has written articles for various sites and publications, including Modern Reformation, TableTalk, Core Christianity, and others. Shane received an MA in Historical Theology from Westminster Seminary California, and he lives with his family in the greater St. Louis area. Read more about The Humble Skeptic podcast: shanerose.substack.com
David Setyon
David Setyon was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. He currently lives in Chesapeake, VA with the family that the Lord has graciously blessed him with, serves in the Navy, and is part of the core planting group of Christ URC Norfolk.
Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith is originally from Bellevue, Nebraska. A graduate of Westminster Seminary California (M.Div 2019; MA (Historical Theology) 2020). He is associate pastor of Phoenix URC in the United Reformed Churches of North America. He is currently pursuing a ThM in systematic theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.
Bryce Souve
Rev. Bryce Souve was born and raised in Southern California. He married his high school sweetheart and they have five children. He received his Master of Divinity from Westminster Seminary California and has served as pastor to Bethel Reformed OPC in Fredericksburg, VA since 2024
Stephen Spinnenweber
Stephen has been the pastor of Westminster PCA in Jacksonville, FL since 2019. Stephen earned his Masters of Divinity from Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and is a General Council member of the Gospel Reformation Network. Together with friends he hosts several podcasts on the Westminster Standards (The Shorter and Larger for Life podcasts) and is also the author of a forthcoming book from Christian Focus Publications on the three uses of the Moral Law, set to be released in 2025. Stephen and his wife, Sarah, are high school sweethearts and have been married since 2013. They are proud parents to four covenant children.
Charles Stover
Charles Stover serves as Pastor of Redeeming Grace Fellowship (PCA) in Owensville, Missouri. He earned his MDiv from Covenant Theological Seminary in 2021, and his BA in Christian Education from Williams Baptist University in 2012. Before being ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America, Charles served as a youth pastor in the Southern Baptist Convention.
Wendell Talley
Wendell Talley is a native of Los Angeles, where he lives now. He is a past Commissioner for the Iowa Office on the Status of African Americans.
William Thomas
William Thomas was born and raised in India. He is currently an MDiv student at a leading seminary and is eager to return to his homeland to serve God’s people there.
Cornelius Van Til
Rev. Cornelius Van Til, PhD (1895–1987) studied at Calvin College (A.B.), Calvin Theological Seminary and at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he earned a Th.M. He earned his PhD at Princeton University. He served briefly in the pastorate but taught apologetics and theology at Westminster Theological Seminary from 1929–1972. The best introduction to his life and work is John Muether, Cornelius Van Til: Reformed Apologist and Churchman.
David VanDrunen
Dr. VanDrunen, a minister of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, began teaching at Westminster Seminary California in 2001. He was formerly a pastor of Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Hanover Park, IL, and has served on the Orthodox Presbyterian Church’s Committee on Christian Education since 2005. He was the recipient of the Acton Institute’s Novak Award (2004), a visiting fellow at the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University (2009), a Henry Luce III Fellow in Theology (2016–17), and Research Fellow at the Protestant Theological University in The Netherlands (2022).
Dr. VanDrunen is the author or editor of thirteen books, including Politics after Christendom: Political Theology in a Fractured World (Zondervan Academic, 2020), named Book of the Year (2021) in Politics and Public Life by Christianity Today. His scholarly articles have appeared in many journals, including Journal of Reformed Theology, Journal of Law and Religion, and Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics.
Charles Vaughn
Charles lives in San Diego county with his wife and four covenant children. He has a B.A. in Biblical & Theological Studies from Regent University and an M.A. in both Biblical and Theological Studies from Westminster Seminary California. Charles works as a Junior High history teacher at a Christian school in Escondido, CA.
Chad Vegas
Chad is the founding pastor of Sovereign Grace Church (Bakersfield, CA). After completing his M.A. in Theology at Talbot, and being the high school pastor at RiverLakes Community Church, Chad was called to plant a church in Bakersfield. He is also the founding board chairman of Radius International, an organization that trains people to plant churches among unreached language groups. His passion is to know Christ and to make him known. He has been married to Teresa since 1994, and they have 2 children and one daughter-in-law.
Adonis Vidu
Adonis Vidu is a Romanian theologian specializing in trinitarian theology. He is the Andrew Mutch Distinguished Professor of Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, where he has taught since 2008.
B. B. Warfield
B. B. Warfield (1851–1921) was a scholar of the New Testament, textual criticism, historical theology, and systematic theology. He studied at what would become Princeton University and abroad, taught at Western Theological Seminary for nine years, and then at Princeton Theological Seminary. He was one of the most important exponents of Reformed theology in American history.
Amy Warren
Amy Warren (MA, Historical Theology; Westminster Seminary California) is a member at Redemption Presbyterian Church in San Marcos, CA. Her MA thesis is titled “A Little Wiser Than The Monkey: Blake, Swedenborg, and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell as Satire.” She will soon begin working at Doxa Church in Rocklin, CA as a communications coordinator.
Joshua Waulk
Joshua Waulk is the founder and executive director at Baylight Counseling, Inc. in Clearwater, Fl. He is married to Christy, and has four children, three of whom are adopted. Josh earned his MA in Biblical Counseling at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and is completing his final project toward the Doctor of Ministry, also in biblical counseling at SEBTS. His project focuses on attachment issues in Christian adoptive parenting.
Mary Van Weelden
Mary Van Weelden is a journalist, writer, and junior high teacher. She is the copy editor for he HRA and she is working on a dual MA in biblical and theological studies at Westminster Seminary California. Mary and her husband live in Escondido, California, and attend Christ Presbyterian Church. You can find her on Twitter.
Collin Welch
Collin is pastor of Madison Reformed Church. He was born and raised in Madison, IN. He and his lovely wife, Nicole, have two kids—Calvin and Ingrid. After graduating from MCHS (‘08), Collin thought the Lord was leading him into filmmaking but instead, doors have opened again and again into pastoral ministry. During a time of searching, he discovered the riches of the historic Protestant and Reformed Christian faith and attended Westminster Seminary California, graduating M.Div in May 2020. He loves his family and his hometown, and he’s looking forward to ministering God’s Word in the Ohio River Valley. “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” (Psalm 34:8).
Nathan White
Nathan grew up in Decatur, Alabama and began serving Decatur Presbyterian in January of 2017 as the pastoral intern. He eventually became the Youth Ministry Director and then Assistant Pastor, serving there until September of 2023 when he began planting Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church in Madison, Alabama. Nathan grew up in church, believing the gospel from an early age, and is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary. He married his wife Rachael in March of 2016 and they have one daughter, Alice, born in October of 2021.
R. Fowler White
Dr. R. Fowler White has served for almost two decades as a professor and an administrator in theological institutions. He has contributed to several books, including By Faith Alone: Answering the Challenges to the Doctrine of Justification and Whatever Happened to the Reformation?
Angela Whitehorn
Angela was co-host of the Theology Gals and New Geneva podcasts. She lives in Illinois.
Zac Wyse
Zac is from Stryker, Ohio and a graduate of Miami University (BS, Zoology). Though he grew up as a regular churchgoer, he was converted in college. After spending five years serving campus fellowships in Europe, he attended Westminster Seminary California (MDiv, 2013) and was ordained to the office of Minister in November of 2013 and is pastor of Westside Reformed Church, in Cincinnati. He is especially zealous to encourage further church planting in the Cincinnati Metro area and further afield