At first sight, covenantal nomism may seem to be strongly supported by the analogy of a marriage relationship that the Old Testament uses to describe the relationship between the Lord and Israel. Continue reading →
Author: Iain M. Duguid
Dr Duguid (PhD, Cambridge) is professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary. He is an ordained teaching elder in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARPC) and has planted and pastored several churches including Redeemer Presbyterian Church (EPCEW), Barton, Oxford, England; Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Fallbrook, CA; Christ Presbyterian Church in Grove City, PA; and Christ Presbyterian Church in Glenside, PA. He is author of “Putting Priests in Their Place: Ezekiel’s Contribution to the History of the Old Testament Priesthood” in Ezekiel’s Hierarchical World: Wrestling with a Tiered Reality, or “But Did They Live Happily Ever After? The Eschatology of the Book of Esther” in the Westminster Theological Journal; “Nehemiah: The Best King Judah Never Had” in Let Us Go Up to Zion: Essays in Honour of H. G. M. Williamson on the Occasion of His Sixty-fifth Birthday; Ezekiel (NIV Application Commentary) or Song of Songs (Tyndale OT Commentary). He was professor of Old Testament at Westminster Seminary California when this chapter was published.