The way the writers of the New Testament understood the history of redemption and the way they read Scripture is foreign to many modern evangelicals, who (a) assume that the way they read the Bible is the way the apostles did or (b) realize that their way of reading Scripture is different from that of the apostles but who believe that it is necessary to interpret Scripture differently from the apostles. The goal of this series is to introduce the reader and listener to the apostolic way of reading Scripture, the way the early post-apostolic church understood the history of redemption, the way the medieval church understood the history of redemption, and the way the Reformation and post-Reformation theologians and churches understood the history of redemption. In this series Dr Clark discusses grammatical-historical interpretation and what it means to use that method in a redemptive-historical reading of Scripture as we learn to appreciate the unfolding story of redemption focused on the revelation of the incarnation of God the Son and the salvation of his church by grace alone, through faith alone.
Table of Contents
Heidelminicast Series
- Heidelminicast: How To Read The Bible (1)
- Heidelminicast: How to Read the Bible (2)—What is the Bible All About?
- Heidelminicast: How to Read the Bible (3)—How to Read the Bible the Way the Apostles Did
- Resources For A Redemptive-Historical Reading Of Scripture
- Resources On Dispensationalism
- Resources On The Unity Of The Covenant Of Grace
- Resources For Those Beginning To Study Covenant Theology
- Resources On Biblicism
- Resources On The Role Of Abraham In Redemptive History
- Resources On Pilgrim Theology
- As It Was In The Days Of Noah: Resources On Eschatology
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- The Heidelblog Resource Page
- Heidelmedia Resources
- The Ecumenical Creeds
- The Reformed Confessions
- The Heidelberg Catechism
- Recovering the Reformed Confession (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2008)
- Why I Am A Christian
- What Must A Christian Believe?
- Heidelblog Contributors
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