Feathers And All (Or Why The Scriptures Are Enough)

Table Of Contents

Podcasts (links are live when published)

  1. Heidelcast For Feb 11, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (1)
  2. Heidelcast For Feb 18, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (2)
  3. Heidelcast For Feb 25, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (3)
  4. Heidelcast For Mar 3, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (4)
  5. Heidelcast For Mar 10, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (5)
  6. Heidelcast For Mar 17, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (6)
  7. Heidelcast For Mar 31, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (7)
  8. Heidelcast For April 7, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (8)
  9. Heidelcast For April 14, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (9)
  10. Heidelcast For April 21, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (10)
  11. Heidelcast For April 28, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (11)
  12. Heidelcast For May 5, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (12)
  13. Heidelcast For May 12, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (13)
  14. Heidelcast for May 19, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (14)
  15. Heidelcast For May 26, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (15)
  16. Heidelcast For June 2, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (16)
  17. Heidelcast For June 9, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (17)
  18. Heidelcast For June 16, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (18)
  19. Heidelcast For June 30, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (19)
  20. Heidelcast For July 7, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (20)
  21. Heidelcast For July 14, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (21)
  22. Heidelcast For July 21, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (22)

Resources On Sola Scriptura, Continuationism, Pentecostalism, etc.

  1. Was Sola Scriptura A Reformation Slogan And Doctrine?
  2. Christian Liberty: A Product Of Sola Scriptura
  3. More Conference Audio: Biblicism Versus Sola Scriptura
  4. Was Agabus Wrong? Or Why Sola Scriptura Is Still Right
  5. Rutherford Defended Sola Scriptura, Luther, And The Law-Gospel Distinction Contra Antinomians And Anabaptists
  6. With Janet Mefferd On Sola Scriptura
  7. Sneaky Squids And Sola Scriptura
  8. Tertullian On The Apologetic Power Of Sola Scriptura
  9. Office Hours: Bob Godfrey On Sola Scriptura
  10. Thomas Cartwright On The True Sense Of Sola Scriptura And The Vincentian Canon
  11. Sola Scriptura Contra The Anabaptists In 1523–24
  12. Calvin Contra Sadoleto: Sola Scriptura
  13. Owen On Sola Scriptura As Applied To Public Worship
  14. Muller: Sola Scriptura Was Essential To The Development Of Reformed Theology
  15. Belgic Confession: Sola Scriptura Applied To Public Worship
  16. Calvin: The True Rule Of Righteousness Is Sought Sola Scriptura
  17. Luther On “Saints,” Monks, And Sola Scriptura
  18. Whitaker On Sola Scriptura
  19. Calvin On Acts 2:42: God Controls Worship Sola Scriptura
  20. Between The Anabaptists And The Romanists: Calvin Defended Infant Baptism Sola Scriptura
  21. With The Reformed Pubcast On Lent And Sola Scriptura
  22. Sola Scriptura Protects Christian Liberty
  23. The Difference Between Sola Scriptura And Biblicism
  24. Sola Scriptura ≠ Nuda Scriptura
  25. Second Commandment + Sola Scriptura = Christian Worship
  26. Sola Scriptura and Public Worship
  27. Sola Scriptura and the Limits of Special Revelation
  28. What We Can Learn From the Free Church About Conservatism and Sola Scriptura
  29. The Heart of the Gospel (and Sola Scriptura Too)
  30. Creeds and Sola Scriptura and Democratic Populism
  31. Church Calendars And Sola Scriptura
  32. Bible, Babel, Bubble: Sola Scriptura Contra Thomas Müntzer
  33. The Author Of The Belgic Confession On 16th-Century Pentecostalism
  34. Did Calvin’s Theology, Piety, and Practice Need To Be Rounded Out With Müntzer’s?
  35. (Audio) Office Hours with David VanDrunen on Sola Scripura and Continuing Revelation
  36. Recovering The Reformed Confession
  37. Heidelberg 53: We Believe In The Holy Spirit (1)
  38. Heidelberg 53: We Believe In The Holy Spirit (2)
  39. Heidelberg 53: We Believe In The Holy Spirit (3)
  40. The Secret Of Knowing God’s Will
  41. Reformed And Pentecostal?
  42. “‘Magic and Noise:’ Reformed Christianity in Sister’s America,” in Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey.
  43. Reformed And Charismatic? Philip Jenson Says No.
  44. Once More: Reformed And Charismatic?
  45. Must Reformed Christians Be Cessationist?
  46. On Traveling From Münster To Geneva
  47. A Fork In The Road For The “New Calvinists”
  48. Calvin Against Continuing Extra-Biblical Revelation
  49. The Problem With Paraphrases And Continuing Revelation
  50. Distinguishing Reformed And Pentecostal Piety
  51. Less A Problem Of What The Spirit Is Doing; More A Problem Of What We Say About The Spirit
  52. Divine Winds And Gay Elders: Where The QIRE Leads
  53. The Pornographer’s Dream Or The Problem With Contemporary Worship
  54. Jonestown And The Reformed Movement
  55. American Evangelicalism: From David Joris To David Koresh
  56. You Mean There’s More Than “Shine, Jesus Shine”?
  57. Did God Leave Me When I Went To Seminary?
  58. The Addiction To Religious Euphoria
  59. Everyone (Even Kuyper) Is Subject To The QIRE
  60. How Keswick Theology Nearly Destroyed J I Packer
  61. In Case You Aren’t Sure What QIRE Means
  62. I Have Not Seen Miracles Here: Between Pentecost And The Parousia
  63. Pietists And Romanists Together
  64. (Audio) Heidelcast: Recovering Mother Kirk (with D. G. Hart)
  65. Is Reformed Confessionalism Impious?
  66. The Un-ringing Of The Bells (The Sultans Of The Spirit)
  67. Why This Reformed Christian Will Not Be Charismatic In 2018
  68. You Are Not A Canonical Actor Or How To Avoid Nightmare Alley
  69. Mark Driscoll And The Danger Of “God Told Me”
  70. Was Agabus Wrong? Or Why Sola Scriptura Is Still Right
  71. Resources On The Reformation Solas
  72. Heidelcast 200—What Must A Christian Believe? (17): The Holy Spirit
  73. Office Hours Season 7—The Holy Spirit: The Lord And Giver Of Life
  74. Mark Driscoll And The Danger Of “God Told Me”
  75. Rome, Pentecostals, and Credulity
  76. Mark Stromberg: From Pentecostal To Reformed
  77. More From Mark Stromberg On Leaving Pentecostalism Behind
  78. Heidelcast For June 12, 2022: Questions And Answers On Amyraldianism, Pentecostalism, And Much More
  79. Therapeutic-Gnostic Pentecostalism?
  80. Zwingli Contra The Pentecostalism Of The Catabaptists
  81. What The Spirit Is Doing Or What We Are Saying? Distinguishing Reformed And Pentecostal Piety
  82. Pentecostalism Is Not New
  83. Resources On The Reformation Solas
  84. Resources On Reformed Piety

Select Bibliography

  1. Allen, Michael and Scott R. Swain. Reformed Catholicity: The Promise of Retrieval for Theology and Biblical Interpretation. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2015.
  2. Barrett, Matthew. God’s Word Alone—the Authority of Scripture: What the Reformers Taught … and Why It Still Matters. The Five Solas Series. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2016.
  3. Barrett, Matthew, ed. Reformation Theology: A Systematic Summary. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway, 2017.
  4. Boekestein, William. “Ulrich Zwingli on Sola Scriptura: The Clarity and Certainty of Scripture in Zwingli’s Theology.” Puritan Reformed Journal 10. 1 (2018): 106–18.
  5. Clary, Glen J. “Ulrich Zwingli and the Swiss Anabaptists: Sola Scriptura and the Reformation of Christian Worship.” The Confessional Presbyterian 6 (2010): 108–24.
  6. Clark, R. Scott. Recovering the Reformed Confession: Our Theology, Piety, and Practice. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P & R Publishing, 2008.
  7. Evans, G. R. The Language and Logic of the Bible: The Road to Reformation. Cambridge Cambridgeshire: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
  8. Greidanus, Sidney. Sola Scriptura: Problems and Principles in Preaching Historical Texts. Toronto: Wedge Pub. Foundation, 1970.
  9. Johnson, Gary L. W. and Ronald N Gleason, ed. Reforming or Conforming?: Post-Conservative Evangelicals and the Emerging Church. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2008.
  10. Johnson, Terry L. The Case for Traditional Protestantism: The Solas of the Reformation. Edinburgh, UK: Banner of Truth Trust, 2004.
  11. Kistler, Don, ed. Sola Scriptura! : The Protestant Position on the Bible. Morgan, PA: Soli Deo Gloria Publications, 1995.
  12. Leppin, Volker. Sola: Christ, Grace, Faith, and Scripture Alone in Martin Luther’s Theology. Lutheran Quarterly Books. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2024.
  13. Mathison, Keith A. The Shape of Sola Scriptura. Moscow, Idaho: Canon Press, 2001.
  14. Muller, Richard A. Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics: The Rise and Development of Reformed Orthodoxy, Ca. 1520 to Ca. 1725. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academics, 2003.
  15. Montgomery, John Warwick, ed. God’s Inerrant Word: An International Symposium on the Trustworthiness of Scripture. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1974.
  16. Provan, Iain W. The Reformation and the Right Reading of Scripture. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2017.
  17. Sproul, R. C. Scripture Alone: The Evangelical Doctrine. R.C. Sproul Library. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R Publishing, 2005.
  18. Whitaker, William. A Disputation on Holy Scripture: Against the Papists, Especially Bellarmine and Stapleton. Morgan, PA: Soli Deo Gloria, 2000.
  19. Woodbridge, John D. 2018. “Sola Scriptura: Original Intent, Historical Development, and Import for Christian Living.” Presbyterion 44 (1): 4–24.
  20. Blumhofer, Edith Waldvogel. The Assemblies of God: A Chapter in the Story of American Pentecostalism. Springfield, Mo.: Gospel Pub. House, 1989.
  21. Budgen, Victor. The Charismatics and the Word of God: A Biblical and Historical Perspective on the Charismatic Movement. Welwyn: Evangelical, 1985.
  22. Clark, R. Scott. “‘Magic and Noise:’ Reformed Christianity in Sister’s America,” in R. Scott Clark and Joel E. Kim, ed. Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey (Escondido: Westminster Seminary California, 2010), 74–91. (Apple Books version).
  23. Dayton, Donald W. Theological Roots of Pentecostalism. Studies in Evangelicanism, No. 5. Grand Rapids, MI: Francis Asbury, 1987.
  24. Duguid, Iain, “What Kind of Prophecy Continues? Defining the Differences Between Continuationism and Cessationism” in John M. Frame, ed. Redeeming the Life of the Mind: Essays in Honor of Vern Poythress. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway, 2017.
  25. Gaffin, Richard B, and Wayne A Grudem. Are Miraculous Gifts for Today?: Four Views. Counterpoints. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Pub, 1996.
  26. Gaffin, Richard B. Perspectives on Pentecost: Studies in New Testament Teaching on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Pub, 1979.
  27. Gaffin, Richard B. “Tongues Today?” in John R. Muether and and Danny E Olinger, ed. Confident of Better Things: Essays Commemorating Seventy-Five Years of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Willow Grove, Pa.: Committee for the Historian of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, 2011.
  28. Hamilton, Michael P. The Charismatic Movement. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975.
  29. Martin, David. Pentecostalism: The World Their Parish. Religion and Modernity. Oxford: Blackwell, 2001.
  30. Milne, Garnet Howard. The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Cessation of Special Revelation: The Majority Puritan Viewpoint on Whether Extra-Biblical Prophecy Is Still Possible. Studies in Christian History and Thought. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2008.
  31. Robeck Jr., Cecil M. “Canon, Regulae Fidei, and Continuing Revelation in the Early Church” in  James E Bradley and Richard A Muller. Church, ed. Word, and Spirit: Historical and Theological Essays in Honor of Geoffrey W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans, 1987.
  32. Robertson, O. Palmer. The Final Word: A Biblical Response to the Case for Tongues and Prophecy Today. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1993.
  33. Sweeney, Douglas A. The American Evangelical Story: A History of the Movement. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2005.
  34. Wacker, Grant. Heaven Below: Early Pentecostals and American Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003.
  35. Weaver, John. The New Apostolic Reformation: History of a Modern Charismatic Movement. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc, 2016.
  36. White, R. Fowler, “Contrary to What You May Have Heard: On the Rhetoric and Reality of Claims of Continuing Revelation” in Gary L. W. Johnson and R. Fowler White, ed. Whatever Happened to the Reformation? Phillipsburg, N.J.: P & R, 2001.

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