I am guessing most of us are familiar with the word gentle. If you helped your friend move into an apartment, he probably told you to be gentle with the box containing dishes. When your son was holding his newborn brother, you . . . Continue reading →
Biblical theology
The Queen Poem Of All Scripture: Psalm 23
Life is littered with passages. These are the milestones and the ordeals that transition us from one stage to another. Waiting at the DMV for your driver’s test, sitting for the Bar, getting married, becoming a parent, retirement—these are just a few . . . Continue reading →
Rejoicing In The Divine Warrior: Psalm 21
There come those times in life when you want to express your sincere thoughts and deep emotions to someone special: a birthday, a love letter, a major milestone. The words have to be just right, so what do you do? You can . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 20: Thy Kingdom Come, Not God Save The King
What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, God save the King? Many of us think of some BBC show or a period piece on the British monarchy, as we know this cry entirely from history, literature, or entertainment. Indeed, it . . . Continue reading →
The Fruit Of The Spirit: The Seventh Fruit—Faithfulness (Part 2)
Once we have some understanding of God’s faithfulness, we can begin to think about what it means in our lives. The fruit of faithfulness is another one of those wonderful virtues that the Holy Spirit produces in the Christian’s life. The Spirit . . . Continue reading →
The God Worthy Of Psalming And Hymning: Psalm 113 (Part 3)
Recently, the King of Spain, Felipe VI, met his subjects in the streets. Floods have lately ravaged Spain, and the monarch came to meet his people. Continue reading →
The Fruit Of The Spirit: The Seventh Fruit—Faithfulness (Part 1)
We live in a culture of non-commitment. People get new jobs and then quit them a few months later. They start classes at a university, then drop out after a few weeks. If someone has an issue with their friend, they bail . . . Continue reading →
The God Worthy Of Psalming And Hymning: Psalm 113 (Part 2)
Recently, the King of Spain, Felipe VI, met his subjects in the streets. Floods have lately ravaged Spain, and the monarch came to meet his people. Continue reading →
The God Worthy Of Psalming And Hymning: Psalm 113 (Part 1)
Yuri Gagarin is an unlikely candidate to make an appearance in our churches. The Russian cosmonaut died in 1968. Nevertheless, you may have heard of him. He was the first man in space. He is also becoming a favorite sermon illustration of some. Continue reading →
The Fruit Of The Spirit: The Sixth Fruit—Goodness
I’m good! It’s all good. You good? He makes good money at his job. Mike Trout and Aaron Judge are good baseball players. Your friend is a good person. As we all know, the word good has different meanings depending on the . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 42: Desiring God (Part 4)
Having given this wonderful text of Psalm 42 an expositional and pastoral survey in our previous three articles, we return one last time for a fourth installment wherein we consider some further implications and applications: 1. The great Matthew Henry writes in . . . Continue reading →
The Marrow And Boston Correct The Nomists
§ 4. Nomista. But yet, sir, you, see that Christ requires a thirsting, before a man come unto him, the which, I conceive, cannot be without true repentance. Evangelista. In the last chapter of the Revelation, verse 17, Christ makes the same . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 42: Desiring God (Part 3)
When we left this psalm at the end of part 2, we noted that the psalmist was drawing from his spiritual reservoir, so to speak. Continue reading →
Psalm 42: Desiring God (Part 2)
Last time, in part 1 of our study on Psalm 42, we began to consider how love for God’s house is the essence of true piety. Continue reading →
The Fruit Of The Spirit: The Fifth Fruit—Kindness
Most Christians probably agree that it would be nice to know exactly what God wants us to do in certain situations. For example, if your dear friend has been avoiding you lately, you might wish that God would specifically tell you what . . . Continue reading →
Psalm 42: Desiring God (Part 1)
One reason to love the Psalms is that they serve as a fierce rejoinder to the trendy spirituality of our age. If we are honest, sometimes (whether through the influence of our wider culture or through the influence of other Christians), we . . . Continue reading →
The Covenant Before The Covenants
Those not well read in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Reformed theology might be forgiven their ignorance of the covenant of redemption or for concluding that it is an arcane doctrine long abandoned. Continue reading →
The Fruit Of The Spirit: The Fourth Fruit—Patience
Whenever I go on multi-day hikes with friends, we have friendly arguments about candy bars. When you are in the middle of a long hike, you dream about food. So the arguments start. Which candy bar is number one? KitKat? Twix? 100Grand? . . . Continue reading →
Covenant Nomism And The Exile
At first sight, covenantal nomism may seem to be strongly supported by the analogy of a marriage relationship that the Old Testament uses to describe the relationship between the Lord and Israel. Continue reading →
The Fruit Of The Spirit: The Third Fruit—Peace (Part 2)
When Paul talks about peace as a fruit of the Spirit, we have to remember the above aspects of peace. It is found in God, and it is from God through faith in Christ. These are objective. When Paul mentions peace as a fruit, however, he is referring to peace in a subjective way. Continue reading →