Troubled Bones And The God Who Turns: Psalm 6 (Part 3)

Having given this wonderful text of Psalm 6 an expositional and pastoral survey in our previous two articles, we return one last time for a third installment wherein we consider further implications and applications from this marvelous psalm. Inspired by the example . . . Continue reading →

The Sword Of Judgment And The Shield Of Favor: A Series On Psalm 5 (Part 3)

Having given this wonderful text of Psalm 5 an expositional and pastoral survey in the previous two articles, we return one last time for a third installment, wherein we will consider further implications and applications from this marvelous psalm. With great indebtedness . . . Continue reading →

A Problem With Demographics

Our typical Lord’s Day morning demographic looks like a room full of sinners who recognize their need for Christ! At Providence, we don’t prioritize one ethnicity, age group, or a particular socio-economic level over another. We want all people to join us . . . Continue reading →