On January 18, 2016 at Liberty University, a presidential candidate referred to a Bible passage1 in his talk, advising that Christianity was under siege. While such remarks may stir one’s passions, two centuries earlier, another speaker referred to that same passage with an entire sermon devoted to it. Continue reading →
Church History
John Williamson Nevin and the Revival of the Evangelical Mind
While the long 19th century gave birth to a variety of intellectual movements, it also saw its fair share of anti-intellectualism. The fallout from the Second Great Awakening was one such example; this era of American religious life witnessed the rise of . . . Continue reading →
Review: Religion and American Foreign Policy, 1945–1960: The Soul of Containment By William Inboden
In early July 2024, at the fourth annual National Conservatism Conference in Washington D.C., Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Doug Wilson, Pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, ID, met to discuss Christian nationalism in America.1 During a panel, . . . Continue reading →
Blood In The Seine: French Christian Nationalism And The St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre: Part 2
Some of what took place in Paris beginning on August 24 can be explained by sociology and social history. There were real religious and social tensions in Paris and in Roman Catholic dominated towns in 1572. Paris itself was not yet spread out. There were about 210,000 people crowded together. Continue reading →
Blood In The Seine: French Christian Nationalism And The St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre: Part 1
On August 22, 1572, Gaspard Comte de Coligny (1519–72), Admiral of France, bent to adjust his shoe or perhaps to open a letter. That unexpected movement saved his life. The bullet, fired by Charles de Louviers (d. 1583) from an upstairs window . . . Continue reading →
Political Sermons From The Past: Alexander Shields’ “Defensive Arms Vindicated”
The abridged sermons in this series were generally delivered between 1744 and 1795, a half-century period that is definitely pre-partisan. Thus, these should be received as free from the bias of modern partisanship. Continue reading →
Featley: The Sweet Dipper (Part 6)
And this is the firm tradition of the universal Church, in respect of the baptism of infants, who certainly are as yet unable “with the heart to believe unto righteousness, and with the mouth to make confession unto salvation,” as the thief could do; nay, who even, by crying and moaning when the mystery is performed upon them, raise their voices in opposition to the mysterious words, and yet no Christian will say that they are baptized to no purpose.—Augustine. Continue reading →
Featley: The Sweet Dipper (Part 5)
The actual account of the meeting between Featley and the Baptists is quite interesting. The substance of it begins when Featley was challenged by an anonymous “Scotch-man” who challenged him thus: Master Doctor, we come to dispute with you at this time, . . . Continue reading →
The Abiding Validity Of Ad Fontes
Just today on social media, I ran across a marvelous quote attributed to Augustine: “If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself.” Before I did anything . . . Continue reading →
On Churchless Evangelicals (Part 1)
I was once a churchless evangelical. As a young Christian I attended a medium-sized (three-hundred member) Southern Baptist congregation for a few years without joining. It was not really a problem. Of course they would like to have seen me baptized (as . . . Continue reading →
Featley: The Sweet Dipper (Part 4)
As noted previously, Featley’s volume, Καταβαπτιστοι καταπυστοι, which he politely translated as Dippers Dipt, was subtitled, The Anabaptists Duck’d and Plung’d over Head and Ears, at a Disputation at Southwark.1 This record of the event went through two editions in 1645 and I . . . Continue reading →
Featley: The Sweet Dipper (Part 3)
Today, under the influence of the Marxists, we would call William Kiffen a working-class guy who became successful. His opponent in the 1642 debate featured in Dippers Dipt, Daniel Featley (1582–1645), was also a working-class fellow.1 He was born in Oxford, but we . . . Continue reading →
Featley: The Sweet Dipper (Part 2)
In this installment, we focus on the major Baptist figure present at the debate, William Kiffin (1616–1701). He is worthy of attention, first because he was a central figure in the debate between Featley and the Baptists, but also because he was, as a nineteenth-century Baptist historian wrote, “FATHER OF THE PARTICULAR BAPTISTS. He played a “significant role” in the drafting of the London Confession of Faith (1644) and was the second signatory to the Second London Baptist Confession (1677) in 1689. A nineteenth-century historian called Kiffin an “extraordinary” person in the Particular Baptist tradition. One anonymous writer called him the “ordained Mufti of all heretics and sectaries. Continue reading →
Featley: The Sweet Dipper (Part 1)
In this series I intend to consider what was perhaps the earliest Reformed response to the Particular Baptist movement, a treatise by the Anglican theologian and Westminster Divine, Daniel Featley (1582–1645), which recounts a disputation (think of a debate) between Featley, an . . . Continue reading →
Our Aim Is Love: Dr. A. Craig Troxel—WSC 2024 Annual Conference
Wisdom says, “keep the heart with all vigilance, because from it flow the springs of life.” Paul agrees. To safeguard love as the proper aim of the ministry, we must also consider its source in a “pure heart.” The fountainhead impacts everything . . . Continue reading →
Our Aim Is Love: Dr. Bradley J. Bitner—WSC 2024 Annual Conference
Paul argues in 1 Timothy 1:5-7 that being mindful of the goal in Christian ministry and discipleship keeps us from swerving and wandering. That goal is love–not a love of power or position or platforming, not a love of winning the argument, . . . Continue reading →
Review: The Case for Christian Nationalism By Stephen Wolfe
The rise of Donald Trump, the renewed call for a “Christian America,” the novel promotion of Christian nationalism—these three things are recent realities in the American political and religious scenes. Indeed, they are related realities. Furthermore, these three realities are not helping . . . Continue reading →
Video: Trueman On Why Protestants Need Classical Christian Theology
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Heidelminicast Q&A: What Distinguishes Dispensationalists From Reformed Christians?
Dr Clark answers a question asking about some of the differences between Dispensational and Reformed Christians. Continue reading →
Heidelminicast Q&A: Is The “Wider Hope” Of Salvation Through Natural Revelation Orthodox?
Dr Clark answers a question about the possibility of a “wider hope” of salvation through natural knowledge. Continue reading →