I wonder how many books about preaching have been published. Two hundred? Five hundred? It is hard to know for sure, but the number is not small. And although there are numerous books about preaching, most of them are quite similar. They . . . Continue reading →
Preaching the Word
Review: Plans for Holy War: How the Spiritual Soldier Fights, Conquers, and Triumphs By John Arrowsmith
The Reformed and Presbyterian world is currently enjoying a steady stream of recently-translated sixteenth- and seventeenth-century treatises and writings heretofore only available in Latin—texts written by luminaries like Theodore Beza, Caspar Olevianus, William Ames, Robert Rollock, Francis Turretin, and Johann Heidegger, to . . . Continue reading →
Video: The Aim Of Preaching
Rev. Dr. Jon D. Payne and Chris Gordon look to define “preaching”, and how to do it effectively, and discuss the two broad aims of sharing the word of God. They talk about the pressures pastors face from behind the pulpit, the . . . Continue reading →
The Pastor And The Free Offer Of The Gospel Part 2: Personal Evangelism
In this two-part essay, we are considering the articulation between the pastoral ministry and the free offer of the gospel. In part 1, we took a look at the free offer of the gospel and how it impacts preaching. In this second . . . Continue reading →
The Pastor And The Free Offer Of The Gospel Part 1: The Pulpit
There has been much interest in recent years on the subject of the free offer of the gospel and several helpful books have been written on the subject.1 This research has helped further clarify that Calvinism is not the same thing as hyper-Calvinism, . . . Continue reading →
Perkins: Distinguishing Law And Gospel Is Basic To Preaching
The basic principle in application is to know whether the passage is a statement of the law or of the gospel. For when the Word is preached, the law and the gospel operate differently. The law exposes the disease of sin, and . . . Continue reading →
Calvin: Our Union With Christ Is A Source Of Comfort
It avails not, indeed, a little to increase our confidence, that we are united to the Son of God by a bond so close, that we can find in our nature that holiness of which we are in want; for he not . . . Continue reading →
Perkins: We Must Receive Christ Where He Is Offered
Of our receiving of Christ given by God, two things must be observed. One is that we must there receive Christ where God offers and gives Him, that is, in the word and sacraments. The second is that faith is our hand . . . Continue reading →
Calvin On The Purpose Of Gospel Preaching
The end of the whole Gospel ministry is that God, the fountain of all felicity, communicate Christ to us who are disunited by sin and hence ruined, that we may from him enjoy eternal life; that in a word all heavenly treasures . . . Continue reading →
Calvin On The Relation Of Preaching And Sacraments To Our Mystical Union With Christ
To effect this union [with Christ], the Holy Spirit uses a double instrument, the preaching of the Word and the administration of the sacraments. When we say that the Holy Spirit uses an external minister as instrument, we mean this: both in . . . Continue reading →
Calvin: The Communication Of Christ To Believers In Preaching Is A Mystery
We believe this communication [of Christ via Gospel ministry] to be (a) mystical, and incomprehensible to human reason, and (b) spiritual, since it is effected by the Holy Spirit; to whom, since he is the virtue of the living God, proceeding from . . . Continue reading →
Calvin: There Are Two Ministers In Preaching
In the preaching of the Word, the external minister holds forth the vocal word, and it is received by the ears. The internal minister, the Holy Spirit, truly communicates the thing proclaimed through the Word, that is Christ, to the souls of . . . Continue reading →
Why We Preach Christ Crucified
On the subject of preaching, the apostle Paul says the proof of true preaching is that it centers on Christ crucified (1 Cor 1:23; 2:2). Interestingly, Paul is not merely content to say we must preach Christ, but that we must preach . . . Continue reading →
Video: Redemptive Historical Preaching Is for Today
Chris Gordon and Daniel Borvan discuss the importance of preaching from the perspective that as the Bible progresses, it reveals more and more about the salvation of Christ. RESOURCES When Is a Church Not a Church? Heidelminicast: Belgic Confession Art. 29—On The Marks . . . Continue reading →
Review: Thoughts on Preaching: Classic Contributions to Homiletic By James W. Alexander
James Waddel Alexander (1804–59) was a Presbyterian pastor and professor who served churches in Virginia, New Jersey, and New York, and labored for a time as a professor at the College of New Jersey. Like his father Archibald, James also served as . . . Continue reading →
Letter and Spirit: Law and Gospel in Reformed Preaching
Preaching begins with Bible reading and interpretation. Before a minister can preach a given text, he must decide what it says. To interpret a passage, the preacher necessarily brings to bear his broader reading of Scripture, a system of doctrine, and the history of interpretation. Continue reading →
Johnson On How To Preach The Imperatives
Since the grace of the exodus set the context for the stipulations that Israel was to observe as the Lord’s servant, how much more should Christian preachers expound those many biblical texts that shine the spotlight on the responsibilities of God’s covenant . . . Continue reading →
Flannelgraph Preaching (Part 4)
Continuing our study of the hidden truths in the Book of Ruth, this final part of the series picks up with the fourth critical truth that points us to Christ. Redeemer (or kinsman-redeemer) points ultimately to Christ: Boaz preaches the qualities of . . . Continue reading →
Flannelgraph Preaching (Part 3)
Part two gave the first of four critical truths in the Book of Ruth that cannot be communicated by mute flannelgraph cutouts: Ruth the Moabite points to Christ. Continuing now with the second and third points: genealogy and Providence point to Christ. . . . Continue reading →
Flannelgraph Preaching (Part 2)
In part one, we began a search to find a christological title for the Book of Ruth, and we found that its title would in fact not be “Ruth”— although she has many excellent qualities, she is not the main character since . . . Continue reading →