Hyper-Calvinism, Rationalism, and Anti-Predestinarians

By definition, hyper-Calvinism is that doctrine which goes beyond (hyper) Calvin. Often, however, it is used incorrectly by critics of predestination to describe anyone who believes in reprobation. If teaching reprobation makes one hyper-Calvinist, then Calvin would be one himself, and that . . . Continue reading →

What I Learned From Polycarp About Pearls, Swine, And Modern Evangelicals

In the fall semester I teach two courses on the ancient church. One is a seminar in which we read the Apostolic Fathers (a somewhat arbitrary collection of texts from the second century) as well as other important writers from the period. . . . Continue reading →

New In Print—The Synod Of Dort: Historical, Theological, And Experiential Perspectives

2018–19 was the 400th anniversary of the great Synod of Dort. It was not that long ago, but given global events, it might seem like a lifetime ago. In commemoration there was renewed attention to Synod and the Canons of Dort resulting . . . Continue reading →

What God Is Telling Us Through The Corona Virus

Whenever there is a dreadful, large-scale event, e.g., a terrorist attack or the outbreak of disease, someone is sure to announce that this is God’s judgment on the world for our sins. Without a doubt, by nature, after the fall, we all . . . Continue reading →

Canons Of Dort (28): Our Sovereign God Administers His Gospel Freely And Humans Are Responsible For Free Choices

As the confessional Protestant churches understood the Scriptures, the only universal revelation to all persons in all times is the natural revelation of God and of his moral law. This natural law was insufficient to save anyone but it was sufficient to . . . Continue reading →

Canons Of Dort (16): Scripture Teaches Both Definite Atonement And The Free Offer Of The Gospel

Rationalism is a word that gets tossed around rather casually at times. It is used without careful definition. E.g., sometimes Lutherans accuse the Reformed of rationalism because we do not accept their Christology or doctrine of the Supper. They accuse us of . . . Continue reading →