Canons Of Dort (28): Our Sovereign God Administers His Gospel Freely And Humans Are Responsible For Free Choices

As the confessional Protestant churches understood the Scriptures, the only universal revelation to all persons in all times is the natural revelation of God and of his moral law. This natural law was insufficient to save anyone but it was sufficient to . . . Continue reading →

Canons Of Dort (29): The Reality Of Sin And Grace In The Christian Life

One of the great and persisting differences between the Reformed and Remonstrant (Arminian) confessions is the difference between the Reformed realism about the Christian life as distinct from the latent Remonstrant perfectionism, i.e., the Pelagianizing doctrine of entire, sinless perfection short of . . . Continue reading →

Canons Of Dort (30): God’s Gracious Assurance Of Perseverance

The single most frequent way to corrupt the doctrine of perseverance has been to turn it into a covenant of works. This happens regularly outside the Reformed churches. E.g., the Romanists teach that, in baptism, sins are graciously washed away, initial justification . . . Continue reading →

On The Canons Of Dort (31): Doubts, Carelessness, and Godliness

The Remonstrants (Arminians) charged the orthodox Reformed, i.e., those who confessed the Belgic Confession (1561) and the Heidelberg Catechism (1563) sincerely (without crossed fingers) with being unconcerned about sanctification. The Remonstrants were convinced that the Reformed faith did not produce sufficient godliness. . . . Continue reading →

Canons of Dort (32): Our Sovereign God Uses Means To Encourage Us

For perhaps 20 years we have been in the midst of a movement which Collin Hansen (2008) described as Young, Restless, and Reformed. Others have spoken of the “New Calvinists” (see the resources below). The one doctrine that animates these movements is the sovereignty of God. For many American evangelicals it is a given that God has his opinion and we have ours. Continue reading →