What follows is from the latest issue of Tabletalk, which contains a series of letters from “Legion” to his young assistant, the style of C. S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters. Dear Pithius, Our dear boy, you quite misunderstand the problem. So long as Christians . . . Continue reading →
The Killer Bs: Idols of the Minister’s Heart
An HB Classic
There are three great idols that all ministers must tear down daily cast into the fire for scrap: buildings, bodies, and budgets. These are the three things that almost invariably come up in conversation with pastors and, I must confess, I’ve too . . . Continue reading →
Dislocation, Relocation, and Sympathy for the Israelites
When we read about Israelite unbelief prior to crossing the Red Sea we are tempted to think, “Tsk, tsk. Shame on them for their unbelief. Didn’t they know that the Lord would part the waters, lead them through on dry ground, and . . . Continue reading →
On The Canons Of Dort (31): Doubts, Carelessness, and Godliness
The Remonstrants (Arminians) charged the orthodox Reformed, i.e., those who confessed the Belgic Confession (1561) and the Heidelberg Catechism (1563) sincerely (without crossed fingers) with being unconcerned about sanctification. The Remonstrants were convinced that the Reformed faith did not produce sufficient godliness. . . . Continue reading →
On Jesus, Assumptions, Temptation, And Speculation
In a recent interview posted to the Australian edition of a very popular evangelical website, Ed Shaw, co-founder of the Living Out website, where it is argued that same-sex attraction (SSA) is “natural” and that SSA is not per sesinful—this is the . . . Continue reading →