Dismantling the "Rapture"

The “Christless Christianity” series has been brilliant and this week’s installment is no exception. Our dispensational friends tell us that they read the bible “literally” and that amillennialists “spiritualize” Scripture. This might be compelling if we never actually looked at any passages. A . . . Continue reading →

The Israel Of God (4)

In part 3 we considered what Scripture says about national Israel. § Jesus the Israel of God It is the argument of this essay that Jesus Christ is the true Israel of God and that everyone who is united to him by grace alone, . . . Continue reading →

The Israel Of God (5)

In part 4 we considered how Jesus is the Israel of God. § The Dividing Wall Demolished (Ephesians 2:11–22) The movement of the history of redemption is on this order. The people of God were an international people from Adam to Noah to Moses. Under . . . Continue reading →

Strangers And Aliens (9): The Israel Of God (1 Peter 2:9–10)

wUnder Moses and then under the Monarchy there were three special offices in Israel: Prophet, Priest, and King. These offices, of course, were given as part of the formation of God’s temporary, national people Israel, named after Jacob (Gen 32:28), whom God . . . Continue reading →

The Israel Of God

At the center of the debate is the question of “the Israel of God” (Gal 6.16). Of course, this is not a new question. During our Lord’s earthly ministry and after his resurrection and before his ascension, the disciples asked him repeatedly, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1.6). Continue reading →

Audio: With New Geneva On Reformed Amillennialism

For many American evangelicals, faithfulness to the Bible means believing in a view of end times (eschatology) that teaches that says something like this: The book of the Revelation is to be read literally (including chapter 20) The formation of the nation . . . Continue reading →

Heidelcast For Sep 10, 2023: Sin, Salvation, & Service: The Threefold Truth Of Romans (34)

In this episode Dr Clark turns to Romans 9:14–24 and addresses the problem of evil and the sovereignty of God. He answers a call from Elijah about the status of unbaptized covenant children, reads a Heideltext asking about the rule of worship and offerings during worship, plays audio from Voddie Baucham on defining the adjective Reformed, and considers some strange audio from the Getting Hammered podcast concerning Mike Pence’s religion. The opening audio features Chad Vegas on the Bible Theory podcast. Continue reading →