Re-Formation Conference January 17–19, 2025 Jacksonville, FL

Don’t miss the RE-FORMATION Conference, January 17-19, hosted by Paramount Church at the Salem Centre. Featured speakers include Michael Horton, Ashley Null, Jonathan Linebaugh, Dorothea Wendebourg, and R. Scott Clark. The conference is presented by the Wittenberg Center for Reformation Studies. Registration . . . Continue reading →

Reformation Day 2022: The Antidote For A Fearful People

On reflection, it is rather amazing that an obscure Augustinian monk from a German backwater, teaching in an obscure school, was able to turn the Holy Roman Empire on its ear. Just as amazing is the fact that the greatest known powers . . . Continue reading →

Friday, October 28, 2022 At 10:00 AM Pacific: Why The Reformation Matters For Ministry

In confessional Protestant churches October 31 is Reformation Day and Dr Clark will be starting his Reformation Day celebration early, this Friday, 10:00 AM, in the chapel at Westminster Seminary California. He will be speaking on the topic, “Why the Reformation Matters . . . Continue reading →

Review: Coleman and Rester, Eds., Faith in the Time of Plague

The past two-and-a-half years of COVID-19 fears, restrictions, and dissensions have led to strenuous circumstances for many professions and vocations. The callings of pastors and ministers have been no exception. It has been especially difficult for sessions, consistories, diaconates, and congregations in . . . Continue reading →

This Is A Good Book And Now Very Affordable

This is a fine little volume that makes a good entry point to the Reformation. Bob Godfrey published this several years ago. These chapters are based on his lectures, which he gave for decades as Professor of Church History at Westminster Seminary . . . Continue reading →

Who Needs The Church In A Post-Christian World? Christ Reformed DC’s Spring Speaker Series

It is rare to have a United States Senator speak at a church conference. It is even more rare for the Senator to have something theologically interesting to say.  On Thursday evening, March 31, Senator Ben Sasse will speak at Christ Reformed Church . . . Continue reading →

Happy Reformation Day! On Sale For $5.00 Until Monday: Still Protesting

RHB is selling D. G. Hart, Still Protesting for $5.00 until Monday. That’s a discount of $13.00. See the resources below for a review and an interview with Darryl about this volume. See the resources below for a cornucopia of other resources . . . Continue reading →

September 24–25, 2021: Joel Kim On “Abounding Grace—Paul And The Christian Life” (Cheyenne, WY)

Our annual conferences exist to advance and celebrate the truths of the Protestant Reformation, present the greatness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and encourage a reawakening to the holiness of God. Annually, the conference seeks to draw world class scholars who can lead listeners to a fuller understanding of the truths and riches of Holy Scripture. The conference will challenge you to think more Biblically as you live your life before the face of God. Continue reading →