PT730 Studies In Distintives And Issues In The United Reformed Churches In North America (URCNA)

A directed study intended to supplement the existing preparation of URCNA students studying for the pastoral ministry and to focus their preparation for classical examinations. Prerequisite (may be taken simultaneously): HT/ST615 Reformed Confessions. 1 credit (without a term paper) or 2 Credits . . . Continue reading →

A Brief Outline Of Luther’s Bondage Of The Will

© R. S. Clark, 2000; 2014. I Luther’s Critique of Erasmus (2/3) II Luther’s Positive Development of the Doctrine of Predestination from SS (1/3) Major propositions: 1 A fallen sinner is totally unable to cooperate with divine grace. 2 Salvation is exclusively . . . Continue reading →

Select Bibliography Of The Reformation

(rev. January 2006) © R. Scott Clark, 2006. All Rights Reserved. 1. References Bagchi, David and David C. Steinmetz, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004). Bauman, M., M. Klauber, ed., Historians of the Christian Tradition (Nashville, 1995). Brady, T. A., . . . Continue reading →

A Brief Glossary Of The Medieval And Reformation Church

Revised 2007, 2011. This is a study guide for my students that began life in the mid-1990s as a handout revised from a glossary by Alister McGrath for Blackwells. § A Abelard, Peter (1079-1142). Author of Sic et Non, an influential scholastic collection of . . . Continue reading →

CH602 Medieval And Reformation Church

Course Description The first half of the course will study the development of medieval theology, doctrinal controversies, the development of the church, monasticism, mysticism, and the forerunners of the Reformation. The second half will study the theology and practices of the Protestant . . . Continue reading →

Chronology Of the Medieval And Reformation Church

Drafted c. 1995. Revised 2007 1100 c. b. Peter Lombard (1160). Magister Sententiae). 1155-58 Lombard publishes Sententiarum libri quatuor 1200 c. Albertus Magnus (d.1280) 1215 Fourth Lateran Council c. 1225 b. Thomas at Aquino (d. 1274) 1231 Heidelberg becomes capitol of Palatinate . . . Continue reading →

Calvin on the Eucharist

by W. Robert Godfrey Originally published in Modern Reformation MAY/JUNE 1997 Both Luther and Zwingli had crucial points to make in the debate over the Lord’s Supper, but in my judgment, it was John Calvin who best resolved the question. Calvin began . . . Continue reading →

Reformation Charts

Reformation Theology Contrasted with Rome’s (Pt 1) Reformation Theology Contrasted with Rome’s (Pt 2)

The “Calvin as Tyrant” Meme

For a fellow who has been dead since 1564 and for a movement that, socially considered, is little more than a demographic blip (about 500,000 people in North America) Calvin and Calvinism continue to receive a remarkable amount of attention in the . . . Continue reading →