Education True And False (Part 2)

In the previous part, we looked at the first mark of a true school: genuine learning. We continue here with a discussion of the second mark: what makes a proper faculty. A second objective mark of the quality of a faculty is . . . Continue reading →

Education True and False (Part 1)

Americans are busy people who continue to conquer a big place which has, since the eighteenth century, offered wealth and great influence to those who work hard and who produce a product or service valued by others. Education, per se, has not . . . Continue reading →

The Reasons Christians Do Good Works

The Heidelberg Catechism is in three parts: Law, Gospel, and Sanctification or Guilt, Grace, and Gratitude. This is not an artificial interpretation of the Catechism nor is it an artificial arrangement of the Christian faith. Question 2 outlines the Catechism for us: Continue reading →

The United Reformed Churches In North America Reject Final Justification Through Works

Dear Fathers and Brothers in Christ: On November 24, 2002 our pastor Rev. BBB preached a sermon entitled “The Lion Won’t Bite the Innocent.” In this sermon he taught both the doctrine of justification on the ground of Christ’s imputed righteousness and . . . Continue reading →

What Is Wrong With The Theology Of Glory?

At the 1518 Heidelberg Disputation (academic presentation), Martin Luther (1483–1546), the father of the Protestant Reformation, as he was coming to his Protestant convictions, argued: “One is not worthy to be called a theologian who looks upon the ‘invisible things of God’ . . . Continue reading →

Moses’ Law for Modern Government: The Intellectual and Sociological Origins of the Christian Reconstructionist Movement

By J. Ligon Duncan, III A paper presented to the Social Science History Association, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Saturday, October 15, 1994 Department of Systematic Theology Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS Copyright © 1994 Introduction For many years now, students and professors in . . . Continue reading →

HT501 Introduction to Historical Theology (Fall 2018)

Course Description and Objectives: This course is designed to introduce graduate students to skills, practices and research trends in contemporary historical theology. Over the last fifty years the discipline of intellectual history, a subset of which is historical theology, has been at . . . Continue reading →

Sola Fide Es El Instrumento Para La Justificación Y La Salvación

Las controversias pueden ser desagradables y dolorosas y la reciente controversia sobre la santificación ha sido ambas en algunos momentos. De igual manera las controversias pueden ser útiles al traer mayor claridad y esta controversia ha sido útil en este sentido. Algunos . . . Continue reading →