In 1381, Archbishop William Courtenay (c. 1342–96) held a synod at the Blackfriars in London for the purpose of condemning the Oxford theologian John Wycliffe (c. 1328–84). After the condemnations had been adopted, as Synod was breaking up, there was an earthquake. . . . Continue reading →
The Secret of Knowing God’s Will (Part 2)
Prior to the modern period the predominant question in the West was, “What has God said?” There were different answers to this question. Rome pointed to the church as the source of revelation and the Protestants pointed to Scripture as read by . . . Continue reading →
The Secret of Knowing God’s Will (Part 1)
The single most pressing question I hear is: “How can I know God’s will?” Prospective seminary students want to know whether they should attend seminary. Couples want to know whether they should get married. Ministers want to know whether to take a . . . Continue reading →
Is It A Sin If I Do Not Read The Bible Every Day?
As a young evangelical convert, I learned three things right away: God commands us to pray and read our Bibles every morning (the quiet time), if we listen closely enough we can hear direct revelation from God apart from Scripture (the still, . . . Continue reading →
PCA Worship Is Better But It Has Some Distance Yet To Go
The state of worship in the Presbyterian Church in America is arguably better than it has ever been, at least as far as liturgy goes. More churches now use recognizably Reformed liturgies than at any point in the denomination’s history. These are . . . Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: Clarkson Public Worship Is Before Private
These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia . . . Continue reading →
He Is A Pastor, Not A Priest
One of the great temptations that reporters face, especially as they become famous (or notorious), is the temptation to think that they are part of the story or that they are in charge of the story. In other words, it is tempting, . . . Continue reading →
How To Prepare For Seminary
Over the years I have had the privilege of having many conversations with prospective seminary students. One of the more frequent questions has been, “how should I prepare for seminary?” This is a natural, good, and important question. A Renewed Need In . . . Continue reading →
The Forgotten Gift Of Evening Worship
When I was a boy, my parents gave my siblings and me a big, round trampoline. That gift brought us and countless hours of fun, laughter, and exercise. So, when our children were old enough, Jordan and I decided to surprise them . . . Continue reading →
Parachurch or Pastoring (Part 2)
Previously began a discussion about parachurch ministries in relation to the church. The point was to raise a concern about how, frequently, parachurch ministries implicitly, if (perhaps) unintentionally, try to usurp the visible, institutional church’s primary role in God’s plan to save . . . Continue reading →
New In Print: NTJ Volume 15, Number 1
The Nicotine Theological Journal is alive again and online. If you have a printer attached to a computer and choose to do so, it can also be in print again. Co-edited by D. G. Hart and John Muether, the NTJ has been . . . Continue reading →
Reasons For Confessionalists In The PCA To Remain Optimistic
Despite The Defeat Of Overtures 23 And 37
Despite voices warning the PCA was slipping down a progressive slope, for the most part confessional churches (now referred to by the chic as “Neo-Fundamentalists”) and progressive congregations (are they the “Neo-Liberals” according to the new chic nomenclature?) got along well enough . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 211: Our Father (2): Since God Is Sovereign, Why Pray?
This is part two in our series on prayer, Our Father. In part 1 we considered what prayer is. In this episode we are answering the question why pray? Heidelblog readers, students, and others regularly ask “Since God is sovereign why pray?” . . . Continue reading →
New: Resources On Preaching
In a sense everything on this site is intended to help pastors, elders, deacons, and laity better serve Christ but some of the resources are specifically focused on the nature and act of preaching because, in distinction from some traditions, in the . . . Continue reading →
Conversion, Church Planting, And The Due Use Of Ordinary Means
As a follow up to the recent post about the intersection between Acts 29, Mars Hill, and the PCA, someone sent a link to the application to be filled in/out on for the Spanish River Church Planting program. One of the questions on . . . Continue reading →
“A Very Well-Organized Clandestine Political Wing Of Our Denomination”
The recent e-mail dump containing nine years’ worth of confidential National Partnership business has been dubbed #PresbyLeaks, which hilariously sounds like a terrible geriatric condition. A very well-organized clandestine political wing of our denomination has been exposed for being exactly what it . . . Continue reading →
Asking For A Friend: How To Love A Jerk
Who Says That Calvin Was Not Practical?
…But how do we do that with someone we might think to be unworthy of our love and good deeds? How do you love a jerk? You might say take a look in the mirror. Humbly realizing that we’re all unworthy jerks . . . Continue reading →
P&R Polity Is Not Perfect But It Is Preferable To The Others
In the last few weeks there has been published, on social media, some fairly stinging comments about the problems inherent with way confessional Presbyterian and Reformed (hereafter P&R) churches govern themselves. These comments seem mainly to born of frustration with the way . . . Continue reading →
Another Way The Reformed Confessions Can Help Us If We Let Them
I am in the studio today to work on an Office Hours podcast for May so there is just time for a quick thought about another way the Reformed confessions can help the churches be more faithful. Continue reading
A Follow Up Regarding Abuse In The Church: We Are Talking About Practice
Last week I wrote an introduction to spiritual abuse and how laity and officers should respond. A correspondent writes to ask what the laity are to do when when ruling elders and ministers refuse to address a situation. May a lay member . . . Continue reading →