Gordon Cheng raises this question (HT: Colin Adams) as part of a brief post on a passage from Richard Baxter’s Reformed Pastor. Cheng says, I’ve never really agreed with the evangelical emphasis on preaching, and never quite understood how evangelicals make so . . . Continue reading →
In Season: Preaching to the Postmodern Choir
WSC alumnus Shane Lems in the latest Mod Ref.
New Audio Online: The Mission, the Mantle, and the Miracles
This is the devotion I offered in chapel this AM from 1 Kings 19 and 2 Kings 2:1-14. It doesn’t appear yet on the WSC Audio page but it is available via iTunes. WSC makes the Tuesday and Thursday chapel messages available . . . Continue reading →
The Killer B's: Idols of the Minister's Heart
New on the Faculty Reflections page at WSC
WSC Commencement 08 (pt 2)
Part 1 is here. Every graduation is special to the graduates and we have been gifted with a number of gifted commencement speakers (e.g. our own Hywel Jones, John Piper, Ken Myers, just to name a few of the recent speakers). In . . . Continue reading →
So You Are About to Begin a Pastoral Search
This is a sensitive topic. People don’t always think rationally or biblically or confessionally about the office of pastor. Many folk don’t understand what ministers do and most people who are involved in the pastoral search process are well-meaning but inexperienced. Most . . . Continue reading →
Who Should Go to Seminary? (1)
Dan writes to ask this question. It’s a good and important question and the answer is in two parts: anyone but not everyone. First, anyone may go to seminary. Since I teach at a seminary and I know how we operate, I’ll . . . Continue reading →
Who Should Go to Seminary? (2)
Part 1. Anyone may go to seminary but not every one should go to seminary. The second part of the answer is who should not go to seminary. Before I continue let me say, for the sake of our current students, that I . . . Continue reading →
Ministering to the Dying and to Those Left Behind
Good stuff from Lane at GB
Audio & Pics: Bob Godfrey on Ps 85 and Hearing the Lord
This morning’s annual fall convocation address is online at WSC. (HT: Geneva Redux). Pics of convocation here.
Audio: Hywel Jones on Ps 119
From last night’s New Student Orientation at WSC
Ministers: Servants of God or Man?
Machen explain to the 1934 graduating class of WTS.
What Are "Deacons"?
Jon explains.
Jon Moersch’s Ordination
WSC graduate and long-time member of Oceanside United Reformed Church, Jonathan Moersch was ordained to Word and sacrament ministry this past Lord’s Day. The Rev Mr Moersch has been called by the congregation to plant a Reformed Church in the South Orange . . . Continue reading →
Video: Bob Godfrey on "Church Growth"
Links here.
High Place #3: Youth
This is helpful and important.
Better to Be on God's Side with a Small Church…
I admit that I don’t know the pressures you are facing or how dire things may look for the future of your church without some half-way covenant of church membership. But better to be on God’s side with a small church, than . . . Continue reading →
Audio: Eric Alexander: A Life in the Preaching Ministry
I took the Sprinter to the second service yesterday and walked a good bit from the station to the service. Along the way I enjoyed two interviews on CTC. The first was a stimulating discussion of textual criticism with Dan Wallace (well, . . . Continue reading →
Kim Riddlebarger's 2009 WSC Commencement Address
Not all commencement addresses are memorable but this one is worth hearing. Thanks Kim!
Kuyper: The Minister Serves the Church
Shane explains at RR. You can get your copy of Kuyper on worship at The Bookstore at WSC.