Two of the more problematic stopping points for pilgrims to Reformed theology are the tollbooths theonomy and Christian Reconstructionism. The latter is a movement dating back to the 1950s and developed by the late R. J. Rushdoony (1916–2001). This movement depends heavily upon an eschatology in which society collapses and rises, like a phoenix out of the ashes to be reconstructed along Christian-theonomic lines. It anticipates a future glorious age, before the return of Christ, in which the most of the world is converted. It combines themes to which many American fundamentalist and evangelical Christians are strongly attracted: a kind of apocalyptic view of the near term, the sense that God is doing something unique in our time and we are part of it, and a vision of culture and society in which Christians are no longer marginal but play significant roles.
The other of these movements is theonomy, a theory developed by the late Greg Bahnsen (1948–95) which rejects the traditional Christian distinction between the civil, ceremonial, and moral aspects of the law of God. It rejects the Reformed doctrine that the Israelite theocracy was a unique, temporary divine institution, and that validity of the Israelite civil laws and punishments expired with the unique divine sanction of the Israelite theocracy with the death of Christ. Rather, the theonomists argue for the abiding validity of the civil law in exhaustive detail. In contrast, the Reformed confess:
4. To [the people of Israel] also, as a body politic, he gave sundry judicial laws, which expired together with the State of that people; not obliging any other now, further than the general equity thereof may require (Westminster Confession of Faith, 19.4).
Both the Reconstructionists and theonomists have offered an idiosyncratic and historically unwarranted definition of “general equity,” which dovetails with and depends upon their equally unhistorical and idiosyncratic rejection of the historic Reformed views of natural law.
- Podcasts
- Bibliography
- HB Articles Etc
- Classical Reformed Sources on Theonomy, General Equity, & Natural Law
- Related Resources
- Heidelcast 137: How To Avoid The TheoRecon Tollbooth
- With Presbycast On Theonomy
- Heidelcast For February 12, 2023: With Chris Gordon On Why You Should Not Go To Moscow
- Heidelminicast: Strimple Replies To Theonomy (1)
- Heidelminicast: Strimple Critiques Theonomy (2)
- Heidelminicast: Muether Explains The Attraction Of Theonomy (1)
- Heidelminicast: Muether Explains The Attraction Of Theonomy (2)
- Heidelminicast: Muether Explains The Attraction Of Theonomy (3)
- Heidelminicast: Muether Explains The Attraction Of Theonomy (4)
- Heidelminicast: Muether Explains The Attraction Of Theonomy (5)
- Heidelminicast: Muether Explains The Attraction Of Theonomy (6)
- Heidelminicast: Muether Explains The Attraction Of Theonomy (7)
- Heidelminicast: Muether Explains The Attraction Of Theonomy (8)
- Heidelminicast: Godfrey On Why Calvin Rejected Theonomy (1)
- Heidelminicast: Godfrey On Why Calvin Rejected Theonomy (2)
- Heidelminicast: Godfrey On Why Calvin Rejected Theonomy (3)
- Heidelminicast Series: Contra Postmillennialism
- Video: Should Christians Resist The Culture By Force?
- David VanDrunen: Theonomy And The Law
Select Bibliography
- RCUS Position Paper On Theonomy
- Gribben, Crawford. Survival and Resistance in Evangelical America: Christian Reconstruction in the Pacific Northwest. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.
- McVicar, Michael J. Christian Reconstruction: R. J. Rushdoony and American Religious Conservatism. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2015.
- Ingersoll, Julie. Building God’s Kingdom: Inside the World of Christian Reconstruction. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015.
- Barker and Godfrey ed. Theonomy: A Reformed Critique
- A Review Of Boot: Were “The Puritans” Theonomists?
- Ligon Duncan Contra Theonomy: Moses For Modern Government
- The PCA on Theonomy
HB Articles Etc
- Just Discovering Reformed Theology? TheoRecon Is A Toll-Booth You Should Skip
- Stemming Another Rising Tide Of Theonomy: Hebrews 7:11–14 (1): Background
- Stemming Another Rising Tide Of Theonomy: Hebrews 7:11–14 (2)
- An Interesting Biographical Note On One Man’s Exodus From The TheoRecon Movement
- Meet The Theonomists
- Walking Two Miles With Roman Oppressors: Christ’s Pilgrim Ethic (1) (contra Gary North)
- Walking Two Miles With Roman Oppressors: Christ’s Pilgrim Ethic (2) (contra Gary North)
- It Was The Anabaptist Karlstadt Not The Confessional Protestants Who Taught Theonomy
- Theonomy and Federal Vision: Separated at Birth?
- Straight Out Of Münster
- The USA Is Not Old Testament Israel
- Resources On The Social Gospel And Social Justice
- The Abiding Validity of the Creational Law in Exhaustive Detail
- Law, Gospel, And The Three Uses of the Law
- The World is Watching: Cal Alumni Mag on Rushdoony
- We Are Not Polishing Brass On A Sinking Ship
- Resources for Reformed Approaches to Natural Law
- Wilson’s Warrior Children
- The CRC Is Right About Kinism (Part One)
- The CRC Is Right About Kinism (Part Two)
Quotations From Classical Reformed Sources On Theonomy, General Equity, & Natural Law
- Calvin Contra Theonomy (1536)
- Calvin Contra Theonomy (1559)
- Ursinus Opposed Theonomy And Taught Natural Law
- Franciscus Junius On Natural Law And The Mosaic Law
- Rollock: The Judicial Laws Are Abolished But The Natural Law Remains
- Polanus: We Are Released From the Judicial Laws Of Moses But Not From Natural Law
- Ussher Rejected Theonomy And Explained General Equity
- Gillespie And Piscator: The Natural Law Remains In Force
- Turretin: Theonomy Wanders From The Truth
- Dickson: Theonomy Is An Error
- Witsius: Christians Have Been Liberated From the Mosaic Judicial Laws
- Boston: The Judicial Laws Were Temporary. The Moral Law Is Permanent
- James Ussher On General Equity
- William Perkins On General Equity
- What Does “General Equity” Mean?
- Samuel Rutherford Contra Theonomy On General Equity
- Samuel Rutherford: “The Whole Bulk Of The Judicial Laws…Is Expired”
- Gillespie Against Theonomy
Related Resources
- Resources On The Federal Vision Theology
- Resources On Natural Law
- Resources On The Twofold Kingdom
- Resources On Eschatology
- Resources On Postmillennialism
- Resources On Christian Nationalism
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