Moreover, the law of Moses is an example of the natural law, most suitably expressing the common notions of nature endowed by natural law. For the principles and conclusions of the natural law, that is, those common notions of nature, are perfectly expressed in the law of Moses. These common notions not only exist in the corrupted nature of man, but also existed in the pure and original nature.
—Franciscus Junius (1545–1602), The Mosaic Polity, trans. Todd M. Rester, ed. Andrew M. McGinnis (Grand Rapids: CLP Academic 2015), 60.
For people more familiar with the Dutch Reformed tradition–
Was Franciscus Junius any relation to the Robert Junius (Robert du Jon) who pioneered mission work among the Plains Aboriginals of Taiwan during the 17th century, when the area was ruled byt hte Vereenigte Oostindische Maatschaapij?
I just received a review copy of this. It will have to wait until next year, though.