Resources for Reformed Approaches to Natural Law

I get occasional queries about theonomy, reconstructionism, and alternatives to the same. The folks at Covenant OPC (Abilene, TX ) have put together a terrific page of resources on the Reformed approach to natural law. Here’s an essay I did several years . . . Continue reading →

Natural Law and Light in the Reformed Confessions

One of the more interesting ways in which theonomy is contra confessional is its Barthian-like rejection of the classic Reformed doctrine of natural law and implicitly it’s skepticism regarding natural revelation.

Is Natural Law "Theocratic"?

Lee Irons raises this question in relation to the discussion that has been occurring here relative to natural law and homosexual marriage. Lee argues, “My problem with this is that, if logically carried through, this will lead to a view of civil government . . . Continue reading →

Alan Jacobs on Conscience: A Sabbath for an Outfielder?

Alan Jacobs is always interesting and thoughtful and this piece is no exception. Stanley Fish thinks that physicians with a conscience should get out of the biz—so much for the Hippocratic Oath!— and Jacobs replies with an appeal to Sandy Koufax, Hank . . . Continue reading →

Natural Law and Two Kingdoms in Stereo (Updated)

The book is now in the bookstore. You can order your copy from The Bookstore at WSC. If you have been wondering what all the discussion about “two kingdoms” and “natural law” is about, here’s the book for you. To accompany the . . . Continue reading →

We Expect the AAUP to Speak Up

An adjunct prof at the University of Illinois has been fired for offending a student (engaging in “hate speech”). What was that “hate speech”? He dared to contrast a natural-law approach to homosexuality with other approaches (HT: AR). RELATED POSTS Natural Law, . . . Continue reading →