Kick Off Calvin’s 500th Birthday Celebration with WSC!

Westminster Seminary California is very happy to begin the year-long birthday bash for our favorite Reformer, John Calvin (1509-1564). We’re doing so with a conference 16-17 January, on the WSC campus, Calvin’s Legacy: Reforming the Church Today.

Calvin on "The Real Prosperity Gospel"

Christianity Today is running a series entitled, “Re-Formed” featuring essays by “John Calvin with Knox Bucer-Beza”—identified by CT as “the author of the Institutes of the Christian Religion and commentaries on most books of the Bible, both of which were sources of . . . Continue reading →

Calvin in the Hands of Anglican Revisers (1)

N. T. (Tom) Wright has published a new volume articulating again his proposed revision of the way Paul’s doctrine of justification should be understood. The volume is Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision (IVP Academic, 2009). In the preface he indicates that . . . Continue reading →

On Calvin’s Birthday: The Biography Channel Is Wrong (Updated)

Today is John Calvin’s birthday. He was born in 1509, in Noyon. In his honor let us watch a video and discuss it. [Editor’s Note: In 2013 someone posted a video featuring the American church historian Martin Marty discussing John Calvin. That . . . Continue reading →