I had a “perfect” outline: 7 points. Trouble is, I got through only 3 of them. I didn’t do much better in the Adult Class yesterday morning at Oceanside URC! For what it’s worth, here is the outline from the conference:
soli Deo gloria
God Will Not Share His Glory
This is the fundamental commandment, the one that comes before all the others and lays the foundation for them. Before we learn anything else about what God demands, we need to know who he is, and who we are in relationship to . . . Continue reading →
Heidelberg 91: What Are Good Works? (2)
The source, fountain of good works is true faith. By using this expression, the catechism deliberately takes us back to Heidelberg 21, where true faith is defined and to Heidelberg 60 which are among the several places where true faith is said to be the sole instrument (sola fide) of justification and salvation. True faith is also the instrument of union and communion with Christ and it is the headwaters of the believer’s new, Spirit-wrought life in Christ. In other words, true faith is essential to good works. Continue reading →
Office Hours: What Does It Mean To Say To God Alone Be The Glory?
When one enters the Reformed world one find that we still use Latin phrases from time to time. Particularly we will hear or read people using a few Reformation slogans frequently. We call them the Solas: Sola gratia (by grace alone), sola . . . Continue reading →
New Resource Page On The Reformation Solas
The Reformation was, at its core, the recovery of the biblical doctrine that Scripture is the only final authority (sola Scriptura) for the Christian faith and the Christian life, that salvation is by divine favor alone (sola gratia), through faith alone (sola . . . Continue reading →
With The Guilt, Grace, Gratitude Podcast Talking About The History Of The Reformation
I had fun talking with Nick Fullwiler of the Guilt, Grace, Gratitude podcast about the history of the Reformation. What led to it and why did it happen? Is there a new Reformation under way today? Do we need a Reformation today . . . Continue reading →
A Devotional: The Heart of the Reformation: A 90-Day Devotional In The Five Solas
Since I am doing a Heidelcast series on prayer and have been recommending devotional materials (see the resources below for more) I was delighted to get this volume in my inbox. It is a paperback volume of 157 pages. It first appeared . . . Continue reading →
Heidelminicast: “Yours Is The Glory”
58 seconds on why we say, “yours is the glory…”. Continue reading →
Friday, October 28, 2022 At 10:00 AM Pacific: Why The Reformation Matters For Ministry
In confessional Protestant churches October 31 is Reformation Day and Dr Clark will be starting his Reformation Day celebration early, this Friday, 10:00 AM, in the chapel at Westminster Seminary California. He will be speaking on the topic, “Why the Reformation Matters . . . Continue reading →
Reformation Day Lecture 2022: Why The Reformation Matters For Ministry
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