Is the Offering an Element, a Circumstance, or Neither?

The Reformed churches order their worship services according to the Regulative Principle of Worship (RPW) This principle says that we must do only that which God has commanded in his Word. When planning the elements (see below) of a service, the only . . . Continue reading →

Audio: Calvin, Geneva, and Psalmody

An interesting joint talk/lecture by Karin Maag and Paul Fields at the Meeter Center (Calvin Theological Seminary and Calvin College) on Calvin, the Psalms, and the Reformation of worship in Geneva.

The Problems with Paraphrases and Continuing Revelation

My interest here is not so much paraphrastic Bible translations. Though these may not be good for ecclesiastical use (e.g. worship) or close study, like a commentary a paraphrase can put light on a passage or otherwise edify. Rather, my concern here . . . Continue reading →

Calvin on Psalm Singing in Worship

As for public prayers, there are two kinds: the one consists simply of speech, the other of song…And indeed, we know from experience that singing has great strength and power to move and to set on fire the hearts of men in . . . Continue reading →

Happy Birthday to the Heidelberg Catechism

A belated Happy Birthday to the Heidelberg Catechism. On 19 January 1563 (Julian Calendar) the first edition of the catechism was adopted by the Palatinate Church.  Though earlier scholarship thought and wrote about the catechism as if it were the product of . . . Continue reading →

Directory for the Publick Worship of God

The Directory FOR The Publick Worship of God CHARLES I. Parl. 3. Sess. 5. An ACT of the PARLIAMENT of the KINGDOM of SCOTLAND, approving and establishing the
DIRECTORY for Publick Worship. AT EDINBURGH, February 6, 1645. THE Estates of Parliament now convened, . . . Continue reading →

Sola Scriptura And Public Worship

We believe that those Holy Scriptures fully contain the will of God, and whatsoever man ought to believe unto salvation is sufficiently taught therein. For since the whole manner of worship which God requires of us is written in them at large, . . . Continue reading →

Is The Organ God’s Gift To Worship?

I’m a big fan of Booker T. Jones (of Booker T and the MGs). What follows, however, isn’t about taste. It’s about principle. So, I was just minding my own business, checking out the usual Monday morning morning flood of social-media, and . . . Continue reading →