Published in 1565 (posthumously) and online here (HT: Richard on the PB)
What Would Calvin Say?
Recently a prominent evangelical (Bible church) pastor suggested that were Calvin alive today he would be premillennial and that true “Calvinists” should be (pre-trib, dispensational) premillennialists. Those of us who actually read Calvin and historic Calvinist theology and who are confessing ministers . . . Continue reading →
What Did Calvin Say? (re-post)
From 15 Mar 2007. Reposted here by request.
New in Print: Calvin's Doctrine of Predestination
J. I. Packer says of this volume, “For making Calvin known today as well as once he was, and in every age deserves to be, this really is a major step forward.” This volume features commentary on every section of the Institutes . . . Continue reading →
Study Melanchthon and Calvin Electronically
From Herman Selderhuis: After the successful publication and enthusiastic reception of the Calvini Opera Database in 2006, now the Institute for Reformation Research (IR) at Apeldoorn (The Netherlands), in co-operation with the Melanchthonhaus in Bretten (Germany), publishes the complete works of the . . . Continue reading →
Calvin and Owen on Worship
Mike Brown has it.
Calvin on Law and Gospel
At AH.
Bob Godfrey May Not Be Hip
But Calvin still is.
Audio: Calvin, Geneva, and Psalmody
An interesting joint talk/lecture by Karin Maag and Paul Fields at the Meeter Center (Calvin Theological Seminary and Calvin College) on Calvin, the Psalms, and the Reformation of worship in Geneva.
Calvin on Romans 2:13
For the hearers of the law,” etc. This anticipates an objection which the Jews might have adduced. As they had heard that the law was the rule of righteousness, (Deuteronomy 4:1) they gloried in the mere knowledge of it: to obviate this . . . Continue reading →
Zwingli and the Reformed Confessions on the Supper
The question came up on the PB whether Zwingli gets a bum rap on the Supper. It’s true that Zwingli has on the receiving end of the stick. This has provoked a reaction, led most recently by W. P. (Peter) Stephens in . . . Continue reading →
Calvin v Socinus
Martin has Calvin’s letter to one of the founders of modern rationalism.
Calvin on Standing Before God (Ps 130)
Martin is blogging Calvin.
Calvin on the Free Offer
Yes, that’s right, Calvin said “offer” (not demand) as in “free” or “well-meant” offer of the gospel. Update 7 Jan 09: For more on this question see ” Janus, the Well-Meant Offer of the Gospel, and Westminster Theology,” in David VanDrunen, ed. The . . . Continue reading →
Sinclair Ferguson is Blogging the Institutes
At Ref21
Calvin on Law and Gospel
Hence, also, we see the error of those who, in comparing the Law with the Gospel, represent it merely as a comparison between the merit of works, and the gratuitous imputation of righteousness. This is indeed a contrast not at all to . . . Continue reading →
Calvin: Our Churches and Ministry Founded on Luther
We maintain to start with that, when God raised up Luther and others, who held forth a torch to light us into the way of salvation on on whose ministry our churches are founded and built, those heads of doctrine in which . . . Continue reading →
Calvin: People Have Never Liked The Regulative Principle Of Worship
I know how difficult it is to persuade the world that God disapproves of all modes of worship not expressly sanctioned by His Word. The opposite persuasion which cleaves to them, being seated, as it were, in their very bones and marrow, is, . . . Continue reading →
Fesko Reviews Garcia and Billings on Calvin's Doctrine of Union
At Ordained Servant. Dick Gaffin replies. John Fesko is the new Academic Dean at WSC. He begins his duties on 1 July. John has recently published perhaps the most important single study of the doctrine of justification since the 19th century. He . . . Continue reading →