Grace And Peace To Aliens And Strangers (1 Peter 1:1–2)

This sermon was originally published in Modern Reformation in the Ex Auditu. section in the January/February 2000 issue and is republished here by permission. § Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to God’s elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, . . . Continue reading →

What Would Calvin Say?

Recently a prominent evangelical (Bible church) pastor suggested that were Calvin alive today he would be premillennial and that true “Calvinists” should be (pre-trib, dispensational) premillennialists. Those of us who actually read Calvin and historic Calvinist theology and who are confessing ministers . . . Continue reading →

The Rejection of Errors (2): The Antithesis and Eschatology

In the first post in this series I connected the Rejection of Errors adopted at the Synod of Dort (1619) with the Reformed doctrine of “antithesis” between belief and unbelief. To put that doctrine in some context I offered a brief overview . . . Continue reading →

Dismantling the "Rapture"

The “Christless Christianity” series has been brilliant and this week’s installment is no exception. Our dispensational friends tell us that they read the bible “literally” and that amillennialists “spiritualize” Scripture. This might be compelling if we never actually looked at any passages. A . . . Continue reading →

Free Audio: Horton and Godfrey on the "Last Days"

Thanks to pastor Christopher Gordon of Lynden URC for posting these lectures by my colleagues at Westminster Seminary California. Update 25 Dec 2008 The format for the files has been been converted to MP3. #1: Dr. W. Robert Godfrey When Will These . . . Continue reading →

Has Christ Returned?

Roger writes to ask: I’ve been having discussions lately with a fellow who identifies himself as non-violent Anabaptist. He denies he is Emergent, but I’m not so sure. He is very involved in non-violent struggle against ‘the system’ – meaning capitalism and . . . Continue reading →

The Presiding Bishop’s Over-Realized Eschatology

In her opening address to 2009 convention of the Episcopal Church USA (ECUSA) the most reverend the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding Bishop of the ECUSA, declared, The crisis of this moment has several parts, and like Episcopalians, particularly the ones . . . Continue reading →