10. Will God suffer such disobedience and apostasy to go unpunished? By no means,1 but He is terribly displeased with our inborn as well as our actual sins, and will punish them in just judgment in time and eternity, as He has . . . Continue reading →
Heidelberg Catechism 10 (4) Hell on Earth?
10. Will God suffer such disobedience and apostasy to go unpunished? By no means,1 but He is terribly displeased with our inborn as well as our actual sins, and will punish them in just judgment in time and eternity, as He has . . . Continue reading →
Kim Live By Video Conference on Eschatology
Info on the RB.
Hell: Separation from the Comfortable Presence of God
Martin explains.
The Annihilation of Hell
Martin has posted (in two parts) the interview with Robert Peterson from the volume Risking the Truth (click on the icon to the left). Part 1. Part 2. Other contributors include: Carl R. Trueman, Tom Schreiner, Michael Horton, Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, . . . Continue reading →
Packer on the Reality of Hell
As Martin notes, for a time (and perhaps still?) it was fashionable for British evangelicals (and others) to deny the historic Christian doctrine of hell. J. I. Packer responded in 1991 and Martin has posted the audio.
Mark Galli Reviews Bell on Hell
Galli writes, “but in raising such momentous issues, he has raised crucial questions that also must be asked. If universal salvation is true, why does Jesus not showcase it? Why is Jesus’ teaching characterized instead by a relentless focus on the last . . . Continue reading →
Brian Lee Reviews Love Wins
Brian Lee reviews Love Wins on the Daily Caller. Brian writes: “Rob Bell is one of the hottest Christian preachers in the nation today, but does he say anything that’s uniquely Christian? In his new book, “Love Wins,” Bell paints a picture . . . Continue reading →
Tim Keller on Homosexuality, Hell, and Human Flourishing
Robert Gagnon, at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, an astute scholar of the question of homosexuality in the NT has written a critique of some 2008 comments by Tim Keller regarding homosexuality. In response, Rachel Miller writes, For me, while Dr. Keller’s remarks on . . . Continue reading →
In Light Of Harvard’s New Atheist Chief Chaplain This Seems Relevant Again
Therapeutic Religion Is Still Not True Religion
Heaven and hell are still realities and Christ was raised from the dead. Continue reading →
Biblical Hell And God’s Everlasting Wrath
What, then, does the Bible mean when it speaks of hell? That is, what does God mean by hell? He means the punishments for sin in the life to come. He doesn’t mean the punishments for sin in this life, the miseries . . . Continue reading →