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- Chris Gordon: Did Therapeutic, Moralistic Deism Give Us A “Woke Church”?
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Would you be able to supply a link so we can share the above “video clip”? Thanks, David
I do not understand the question. Just forward the link to this page.
Thank you. I would like to share only the video clip w/o linking to this whole page … it isn’t anything personal against your ministry/website. Sometimes I link a page from particular websites and the social media “police” restrict the post (due to the pages original/primary location).
This is the best I can do. I am not aware that anyone is having any trouble sharing this page. It has been shared widely and viewed by thousands.
If you do have difficulty sharing this please let me know.
Thank you.
Thank you .. I’ll let you know if I run into anything.
Thanks again, David
I remember this episode! My family and I cheered for the guy.
What show or movie is this clip from?
ER—Television show. c. 2008.
It is very sad, but absolutely true that there are chaplains, pastors, priests, etc. who simply advocate feel good religion, or no religion at all. Indeed, there are so many who deny God’s word in order to make people comfortable, and more so who are afraid to “offend” anyone.
People need the truth about salvation that come only through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have been shunned by many clergy in my own denomination for being unrealistic and too “old School”, and am considered to “No longer” fit the role of church leadership.
I no longer am pastor of a congregation. Retired and on pension & Social Security. But my everlasting words will always be to preach God’s word, and the Lordship & Authority of Jesus Christ, and that I am fully accountable to the Lord for the souls given to my care as a preacher…I will preach His Word until my dying breath.
Pastor Jeffrey+
Very true Rev. Funk. I fully agree with you
Michael Elmore