By definition, hyper-Calvinism is that doctrine which goes beyond (hyper) Calvin. Often, however, it is used incorrectly by critics of predestination to describe anyone who believes in reprobation. If teaching reprobation makes one hyper-Calvinist, then Calvin would be one himself, and that . . . Continue reading →
Defense of the Faith
Are We All Really Abraham’s Children?
Something I heard recently led to me think about the claim that is frequently made about the three great Western religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We are all frequently said to be “people of the book,” and just as frequently said to . . . Continue reading →
Christian: Is Your View Of Faith Mormon Or Christian?
Back in 1829, Joseph Smith claimed that God appeared to him saying: Cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might know concerning the truth of these things; did I not speak peace to . . . Continue reading →
You Need Not Be A Jerk While Defending The Faith
In his first epistle, the Apostle Peter famously said that followers of Jesus should “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks” (1 Pet 3:15). Throughout the long history of the church, this has been the primary prooftext for . . . Continue reading →
God, Philosophers, and Evil
A reader named David wrote me to ask about how to answer a friend who is “struggling with Calvinism,” because “he has not heard an explanation of the fall (and ultimately reprobation) that goes beyond the idea of a ‘blessed fall.’ In . . . Continue reading →
Warfield vs The Critics
Now, it may well be asked, is that true criticism which starts with the presupposition that the supernatural is impossible, proceeds by a sustained effort to do violence to the facts, and ends by erecting a gigantic historical chimera—overturning all established history—on . . . Continue reading →
Not To Worry. Christ Is Still Lord. Nothing Has Changed
Another Christian musician has announced that he has “deconstructed” his faith. Continue reading
It Is Not Edgy, Interesting, Or Lasting
There are socially conservative evangelicals who want to “take back America.” They are looking for a Christian version of the “Bad Orange Man” to critique the culture and to defend them from unbelief, feminism, and the social revolution. Like the social radicals, who are burning down businesses in pursuit of their eschatology, this evangelical apologist burns fields and pickup trucks.
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Audio: With Bill Feltner (Pilgrim Radio) On Why So Many Denominations? (pt 1)
It is always good to talk with Bill Feltner, host of His People on the Pilgrim Radio Network (covering Northern California, Nevada, and Wyoming). Recently Bill called to ask the question: why are there so many church denominations? It is a big . . . Continue reading →
What Is Your Line In The Sand? (Updated)
I am not certain what it means but pastors resort to military analogies with surprising frequency. One of them is the metaphor of “dying on a hill.” The image is that of a marine charging up a hill or fighting to hold . . . Continue reading →
Are We All Really Abraham’s Children?
Something I heard recently led to me think about the claim that is frequently made about the three great Western religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We are all frequently said to be “people of the book” and just as frequently said to . . . Continue reading →
So We Still Believe in Reality
Like everyone else in America it’s been hard to turn away from the story of Manti Teo. Was he the victim of or the victimizer in an elaborate hoax? Time may tell. One aspect of this episode that interests me is the . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours Special: Godfrey and Horton on Being Valiant for Truth
This week Office Hours talks with Mike Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at WSC and W. Robert Godfrey, President and Professor of Church History at WSC. We took (and continue to take) your phone calls at 760 . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours-Cornelius Van Til: Family Man, Friend, and Pastor
Office Hours talks this week with Dr. John Van Til, nephew of Reformed apologist and theologian Cornelius Van Til, about CVT’s life and ministry. Dr John Van Til is a Fellow for Law & Humanities at the Center for Vision and Values, . . . Continue reading →
Edward Leigh on Defending the Gospel
Chris has it at the GK.
David Bentley Hart is Disappointed with the New Atheists
Take, for instance, the recently published 50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists. Simple probability, surely, would seem to dictate that a collection of essays by fifty fairly intelligent and zealous atheists would contain at least one logically compelling, deeply informed, . . . Continue reading →
Was Adam a Historical Person?
Bob Strimple, professor emeritus of Systematic Theology, Westminster Seminary California, says “Yes!” and yes, it matters.
Heresy Never Dies: The Audio
Martin Downes spoke at the recent Twin Lakes Fellowship. Here’s the audio.
We Don't Have to Choose Between Resting in the Truth and Confessing It
Martin has a brief post explaining.
Faith, Magic, and Bernie Madoff
UPDATE 29 June 2009 Madoff received a sentence of 150 years in prison today. Original story 8 May 2009 The investors in Madoff’s Ponzi scheme received higher than average returns. Most of those who invested with Madoff had no idea how he . . . Continue reading →