David writes to ask about how to answer a friend who is “struggling with Calvinism” because “he has not heard an explanation of the Fall (and ultimately reprobation) that goes beyond the idea of a ‘blessed fall.’ In other words, he has . . . Continue reading →
Willimon Reviews Ehrman on Theodicy
In the Christian Century (HT: Mike Horton). Willimon: “This book seems an awful lot of fuss to reach so banal a destination.”
The Righteousness of God in Imputing Adam's Sin
Wes White explains At Johannes Weslianus.
It Is Our Fault
British comedian Stephen Fry is in a bit of trouble in Ireland because of his answer to a question about what he would say to God at the gates of heaven. He replied, “How dare you create a world in which there . . . Continue reading →
Canons Of Dort (6): God Is The Cause Of Salvation But Not Of Reprobation
Perhaps the most fundamental complaint of the Remonstrants against Reformed theology, the concern that most animated Arminius’ desire to revise Reformed theology, was the charge that the Reformed view makes God the author of evil. In his desire to fix this problem . . . Continue reading →
God, Philosophers, and Evil
A reader named David wrote me to ask about how to answer a friend who is “struggling with Calvinism,” because “he has not heard an explanation of the fall (and ultimately reprobation) that goes beyond the idea of a ‘blessed fall.’ In . . . Continue reading →