How Do We Know the Bible is True and Authoritative?

Editor’s Note: Posted originally on the Old HB September 14, 2007 Christopher wrote to discussion list to ask how we know the Bible is true and how our appeal to the internal testimony of the Spirit is different from the Mormon “burning in . . . Continue reading →

Has Christ Returned?

Roger writes to ask: I’ve been having discussions lately with a fellow who identifies himself as non-violent Anabaptist. He denies he is Emergent, but I’m not so sure. He is very involved in non-violent struggle against ‘the system’ – meaning capitalism and . . . Continue reading →

Hyper-Calvinism, Rationalism, and Anti-Predestinarians

By definition, “hyper-Calvinism” is that doctrine which goes “beyond” (hyper) Calvin. Often, however, it is used incorrectly by critics of predestination to describe anyone who believes in reprobation. If teaching reprobation makes one “hyper-Calvinist” then Calvin would be “hyper-Calvinist” and that’s just . . . Continue reading →

Audio: Muether on Van Til–the CTC Interview

Here. This is a terrific interview about an even better book. If you haven’t read this book, I hope you will. There are many Van Til partisans and critics who have not understood Van Til in his historical-cultural-ecclesiastical context. Further, as Muether . . . Continue reading →

God, Philosophers, and Evil

David writes to ask about how to answer a friend who is “struggling with Calvinism” because “he has not heard an explanation of the Fall (and ultimately reprobation) that goes beyond the idea of a ‘blessed fall.’ In other words, he has . . . Continue reading →