How Do We Know the Bible is True and Authoritative?

Editor’s Note: Posted originally on the Old HB September 14, 2007 Christopher wrote to discussion list to ask how we know the Bible is true and how our appeal to the internal testimony of the Spirit is different from the Mormon “burning in . . . Continue reading →

Heidelcast 7: What About Bible Translations? (Pt 2)

An HB Classic


Here’s part 1. We live in an uncertain age. At the same time there has been an explosion of modern English-language Bible translations. This development has created some uncertainty about how to think about Bible translation. Some have responded to both by . . . Continue reading →

Vatican I On Papal Infallibility

Sola Scriptura v Solo Papatu

We teach and define as a divinely revealed dogma that when the Roman pontiff speaks ex cathedra, that is, when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, he defines . . . Continue reading →

The Heart Of The Romanist Appeal To Protestants: Skepticism

Protestants are told that they cannot trust their own interpretations of Scripture, church history, the church fathers, or anything else for that matter. They cannot trust their own evaluations of the evidence. They cannot trust themselves to tell the difference between black and white. Their sensory and rational faculties are attacked at every point. Those who buy into this way of thinking start to doubt everything, and they start to wonder where they can find stable ground. The Roman apologist is waiting to tell them that the only ground of certainty is Rome. Rome will tell you what is black and what is white. Continue reading →