Or maybe not. Collin Hansen explains.
The Pope a Protestant?
About once a week, the Bishop of Rome, Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger), holds a ” general audience” in St Peter’s Square in which he gives instruction (catechesis) to Roman Catholics. In three of the more recent of these catechetical audiences he has . . . Continue reading →
You Heard it Here First: Indulgences are Back
Now the NYT has a story on the return of indulgences in the Roman communion. The HB observed this phenomenon in Nov 2007. In case you’re worried about purgatory, read this. Obviously the Roman doctrine of justification hasn’t changed. (HT: Ryan Glomsrud)
" There Was a Reformation, You Remember"
Update: GAFCON responds Nov 10, 2009 (HT: David Alenskis) Indeed there was. Eric Landry at the WHI Blog has nice post addressing the recent decision by the Vatican (specifically the Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith) to provide a way for Anglicans . . . Continue reading →
Newman’s Unquiet Grave and Non-Confessional Evangelicals
After reading (devouring) Carl Trueman’s excellent book on historiography I took his advice and got (I had to drive to La Jolla during rush hour) and quite enjoyed John Cornwell’s, Newman’s Unquiet Grave: The Reluctant Saint. I knew the outlines of Newman’s . . . Continue reading →
Calvin on “Not Having a Righteousness of My Own”
He says, that believers have no righteousness of their own. Now, it cannot be denied, that if there were any righteousness of works, it might with propriety be said to be ours. Hence he leaves no room whatever for the righteousness of . . . Continue reading →
Implicit Faith And The Cult Of Personality
More than a couple observers of the Reformed and evangelical worlds have noted the rise and danger of the superstar pastor. Yesterday, however, in conversation with a colleague another came to mind: implicit faith. Implicit faith (fides implicita) is the medieval (and . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 12: Worship, Baptism, And Romanism
On Worship, Baptism, and Romanism
David writes with a question on worship, which we may paraphrase thus: If we can do something in worship on a Wednesday night Bible study or in personal devotions why can’t we do it in a Sunday morning service? Ken asks whether . . . Continue reading →
How Many Mediators?
In a 15 May essay in The Christian Century, Richard Mouw argues that we Protestants should perhaps re-think the question of praying to deceased Christians. He confesses that he wasn’t really well acquainted with the Roman doctrine of prayer and the intercession . . . Continue reading →
What Is True Faith? (3) The Romanist Condemnation Of True Faith
In part 2 we considered the nature of assent. There is a third aspect to the Reformed definition of faith: trust. This is the crux of the disagreement between Rome and the Reformation over nature of faith in the act of justification. . . . Continue reading →
Justification By Faith Alone Is Presbyterian Doctrine
It’s hard to remember where I last saw an actual shell game. It might have been at the Nebraska State Fair or it might have been at some amusement park. It doesn’t matter. The fellow behind the table shows you three empty . . . Continue reading →
Thomas and Rome on Predestination
To many Romanists, Thomas Aquinas stands out as the epitome of their tradition. His thinking was the basis for Trent, Vatican I and II. His teaching is extolled as the loftiest and most important Roman “Catholic” theology. In contrast, the average evangelical . . . Continue reading →
Rome Believes In A Two-Part Justification
Before justification the sinner enters into a state of preparation whereby he, by his own free-will and in co-operation with the Holy Spirit, is prepared for future justification. During this preparation the sinner comes to accept a general knowledge of God and . . . Continue reading →