But that’s what Cardinal Walter Kaspar wants to make him.
benedict xvi
The Pope a Protestant?
About once a week, the Bishop of Rome, Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger), holds a ” general audience” in St Peter’s Square in which he gives instruction (catechesis) to Roman Catholics. In three of the more recent of these catechetical audiences he has . . . Continue reading →
And Now to End One of the Stupidest Internet Discussions Ever
Mike explains that blurbing a book that surveys a theologian does not mean that he agrees with the doctrine taught by that theologian.
What Does Rome Mean By Papal Infallibility?
The impending arrival of the Bishop of Rome to Twitter (@Pontifex) has raised the question of papal infallibility in a new, late modern way. This seems like a good time to remind ourselves of what Rome teaches about the infallibility of papal . . . Continue reading →
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
Benedict XVI, who turns 86 in April, will abdicate the papacy at the end of this month. The election of a new pope is a good opportunity for a brief tutorial on some of the aspects of the papacy that the mass . . . Continue reading →