You can follow WSC on Twitter. I know it’s fashionable to dislike Twitter but I like it. It’s a lot less annoying than Facebook. No one asks me to respond to silly games about farm animals (I figured out how to make . . . Continue reading →
What Does Rome Mean By Papal Infallibility?
The impending arrival of the Bishop of Rome to Twitter (@Pontifex) has raised the question of papal infallibility in a new, late modern way. This seems like a good time to remind ourselves of what Rome teaches about the infallibility of papal . . . Continue reading →
Digital Indulgences
The UK Guardian reported yesterday that Rome has reached a new low in reaching out to the Romanist equivalent of low-information voters. Low-sanctity penitents perhaps? Rome is now offering plenary indulgences to Romanists who follow Pope Francis’ tweets from Catholic Youth Day . . . Continue reading →
Another Way To Connect With The HB
I’ve added a way to follow the Twitter feed. It’s on the bottom right of the HB home page. Why? Because you have nothing else to do? I don’t know. Because it’s there. I do post links there that appear on the . . . Continue reading →
If Great Grandpa Could Talk To You Now
Re-Thinking Social Media
I know that I am supposed to have cancelled my Netflix subscription because of their release of the French film, which ostensibly seeks to critique the sexualizing of children, which nevertheless, according to critics, sexualizes them. I was also supposed to boycott . . . Continue reading →
The Heidelcast Is On Twitter
In Defense Of Twitter
My friend and colleague, Carl Trueman, has published another thoughtful piece in First Things,“Lessons From the Reformation’s Pamphlet War.” In this essay he makes an analogy between Twitter and the Reformation pamphlets that were so widely published and distributed during the Reformation. He . . . Continue reading →