Back In Print: Olevianus On The Apostles’ Creed

Caspar Olevianus, An Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed, trans. Lyle Bierma, Classic Reformed Theology Vol. 2 (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2010). Introduction by R. Scott Clark. Caspar Olevianus (1536–87) is most well known today for his role as one of the authors . . . Continue reading →

Coming In December, 2022: Beza, Polanus, And Turretin On Justification

 From its inception, the goal of the Classic Reformed Theology Series from Reformation Heritage Books (sponsor of the Heidelcast) has been to present, in English, primary source texts in Reformed theology. This new volume is the sixth in the series, which began . . . Continue reading →

It Is Back! The Nicotine Theological Journal Returns

One of my favorite reads, the Nicotine Theological Journal, is coming back. Produced by D. G. Hart and John Muether, the NTJ first appeared in 1997 and ended its first run in 2012. In a recent interview with Brad Isbell and Wresbyterian . . . Continue reading →

Discounted Now Until December 31, 2021: On Being Reformed 50% Off

On Being Reformed is discounted now until December 31, 2021. Order here» Use the code: HOLIDAY21. Resources How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia The Heidelblog Resource Page Heidelmedia Resources The Ecumenical Creeds The Reformed Confessions The Heidelberg Catechism Recovering the Reformed Confession (Phillipsburg: P&R . . . Continue reading →