At Historical Theoblogy
William Ames
Classic Reformed Theology Volume One: William Ames, Sketch of the Christian's Catechism
The editorial board is pleased to announce the forthcoming publication the first volume of a new series of primary texts in Reformed theology, Classic Reformed Theology. Volume 1 is a translation of William Ames, A Sketch of the Christian’s Catechism. This volume . . . Continue reading →
Read More About Classic Reformed Theology
Todd Rester has posted the new flyer. Volume 1, William Ames, Sketch of the Christian’s Catechism, should be out in December. These will be handsome, hard-bound volumes. You can order now from RHB for only $30.00
Published Today: Ames, A Sketch of the Christian's Catechism
It’s volume 1 in the Classic Reformed Theology series. Thanks to Todd, Jay, Joel, and to the editorial committee for their work toward getting this series off the ground. Stay tuned for more details about the next two volumes, which are already . . . Continue reading →
Ames on the Heidelberg Catechism is In!
If you love Reformed theology (whether from Europe or from the UK) you will love this book. William Ames was probably the greatest student of William Perkins. If you identify with the Heidelberg Catechism, if you are looking for resources for understanding . . . Continue reading →
Shane is Reading Ames
At the Reformed Reader.
Ames Available at the Bookstore at WSC
It’s volume 1 in the Classic Reformed Theology series and it’s $27.78 + shipping (hardcover, 288 pages). There are not many primary sources by William Ames available in English. That alone makes this volume important and interesting to everyone interested in Puritan . . . Continue reading →
Ames (the book not the person) 50% Off
Right now.
Todd is Reading Ames on the HC
William Ames’ catechetical sermons guided by the Heidelberg Catechism is in print and in English. Todd Peddlar is reading them profitably. This volume is the first in the series Classic Reformed Theology.
Three Reformed Orthodox Writers on Translating Scripture
Todd has another excellent and helpful post putting us in touch with our tradition.
The HT Interviews: Bud Beeke
Editor’s Note: With this post we continue the series of interviews with graduates of the Westminster Seminary California MA in Historical Theology. Jonathan “Bud” Beeke received his MA (Historical Theology) from WSC in 2006. This post appeared originally in 2007 on the . . . Continue reading →
Ames Sale
Details at RHB
Shane is Reading Ames
On worship. You can get your own copy of the first volume of the CRT series by clicking on the image to the left.
Wes is Reading William Ames
Here. You can get your copy via the Bookstore at WSC.
Lane is Reading William Ames on the HC
At GB. You can order your copy of William Ames on the Heidelberg Catechism at The Bookstore at WSC.
Lutheran or Reformed?
1. The law promises no good thing to miserable sinners; it promises good only to those who observe it. 2. The law has no force in itself for removing sins; it has force only for punishing. 3. The law cannot be fulfilled . . . Continue reading →
Ames On Substantial Identity Of The Moral Law With The Decalogue
9. From this speciall and proper way of governing reasonable Creatures, there ariseth that covenant, which is between God and them. For this covenant is as it were a certaine transaction of God with the Creature, whereby God commandeth, promiseth, threatneth, fulfilleth, . . . Continue reading →
Ames: Redemption Is The Execution Of The Sentence
Redemption is a real deliverance from the evils of punishment, which is actually nothing but the carrying out of the sentence of justification. For in justification we are pronounced just and awarded the judgement of life. In glorification the life that results . . . Continue reading →
There Is No Worship That Is Accidental
20. That is a most empty distinction which some people make to excuse their additions to worship: “Only corrupting and not conserving additions are forbidden.” For every addition as well as every subtraction is a departure from the observance and keeping of . . . Continue reading →
Ames On The State Of Believers In The Judgment
Lesson 4: In that judgment the condition of the pious and of the impious will be utterly dissimilar and opposed. This is taught in the text by the separation of the sheep and the goats, by the right hand and the left . . . Continue reading →