If You Want to Know About John Owen

Carl Trueman is your man. I know it’s unusual to see me flogging someone else’s book. That’s   why you should pay attention when I do so. This is a really good book. Why? Because Carl is an   excellent scholar who . . . Continue reading →

Re-Thinking the Old Paradigm From Within

One of the reasons I wrote Recovering the Reformed Confession was to help professedly Reformed Christians re-connect to their heritage. When, in the early 1980s, I began researching the Reformed tradition I was surprised to learn not only how the Reformed theology, piety, . . . Continue reading →

Available Now: Caspar Olevian and the Substance of the Covenant

Thanks to Jay Collier at Joel Beeke and RHB for putting Caspar Olevian back into print.    “This volume is the most comprehensive treatment of Olevian’s theology published to date. Reflecting an impressive breadth of research and depth of analysis, it delivers . . . Continue reading →

Published Today: Ames, A Sketch of the Christian's Catechism

It’s volume 1 in the Classic Reformed Theology series. Thanks to Todd, Jay, Joel, and to the editorial committee for their work toward getting this series off the ground. Stay tuned for more details about the next two volumes, which are already . . . Continue reading →

New in the Bookstore at WSC: Beardslee's Reformed Dogmatics

This is an exceptionally valuable and important book for anyone who is interested in reading classic Reformed theology, in reading some of the more important sources (in English) of Reformed theology. In this volume the editor compiled sections from Turretin’s Institutes which . . . Continue reading →

Antonius Walaeus De Natura Dei (On the Nature of God)

Because, in our late modern, liquid, age, relational categories trump all others and because we’re given to nominalism now, it’s sometimes considered downright provocative to claim that God has a nature. The older Reformed writers, however, spoke this frequently. On the Heinrich . . . Continue reading →