Todd explains.
New in the Bookstore at WSC: Beardslee's Reformed Dogmatics
This is an exceptionally valuable and important book for anyone who is interested in reading classic Reformed theology, in reading some of the more important sources (in English) of Reformed theology. In this volume the editor compiled sections from Turretin’s Institutes which . . . Continue reading →
Voetius Contra Middle Knowledge
From the points which have been so far upheld against middle knowledge it is clear that the whole difficulty in the present controversy reduces to this one point: Could free conditioned things, from eternity indifferent by nature to futurition or nonfuturition, have . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 136: I Am That I Am (11): The Attributes Of God
With this episode we return to the series on the doctrine of God, I AM that I AM. This is episode 11. The series begins at episode 123. We are talking today about the divine attributes. We begin with the doctrine of . . . Continue reading →