One of the great academic questions surrounding British Reformed theology is the definition of “Puritan.” Some scholars have despaired of being able to define it and its use is highly problematic. It is so because it is so frequently used to describe . . . Continue reading →
reformed theology
Is Reformed Theology "Rationalist"?
A great lot of folk think so. The confessional Lutherans think we are rationalist for our Christology. They and some evangelicals, some liberals, most Amyraldians and most Arminians think we are rationalist for our doctrine of predestination. It has long been held . . . Continue reading →
Black and Reformed: A Review
This is an important book for at least a four reasons. First, it is the first book of its kind demanding and giving compelling reasons why white Reformed Christians should think about and pay attention to and learn from the experience of . . . Continue reading →
Black and Reformed: A Review (pt 2)
Here is part 1 of this review. A Preface and A Challenge Before I make some criticisms of this book I want to repeat that it is an important book that needs to be read. It especially needs to be read by . . . Continue reading →
Are Reformed "Evangelical" or "Evangelicals"?
Lee Irons raises the question of the relations between Reformed Christians and American evangelicals. Much of this discussion comes down to definitions and I don’t recall that Lee offered a definition. In the immortal words of President Nixon, ” let me say . . . Continue reading →
Once More: Lutheran or Reformed?
10. What is the difference between the law and the gospel?
Volume 4: People And Place
The bibliopalooza continues. People and Place, the final volume of Mike Horton’s very important, four-volume systematic theology is out and available at the Bookstore at WSC for $27.46. One of the great failings of contemporary evangelical theology, piety, and practice is that . . . Continue reading →
There's a Crisis in the Reformed Churches
and it’s back in print. The Bookstore at WSC should have some shortly at a discount.
Augustine's Federal Theology
Sure it’s anachronism, but Creed or Chaos makes a good point.
Available Now: Caspar Olevian and the Substance of the Covenant
Thanks to Jay Collier at Joel Beeke and RHB for putting Caspar Olevian back into print. “This volume is the most comprehensive treatment of Olevian’s theology published to date. Reflecting an impressive breadth of research and depth of analysis, it delivers . . . Continue reading →
Voetius Online
Todd explains.
Hyper-Calvinism, Rationalism, and Anti-Predestinarians
By definition, “hyper-Calvinism” is that doctrine which goes “beyond” (hyper) Calvin. Often, however, it is used incorrectly by critics of predestination to describe anyone who believes in reprobation. If teaching reprobation makes one “hyper-Calvinist” then Calvin would be “hyper-Calvinist” and that’s just . . . Continue reading →
Brakel on Law and Gospel
Thanks to Shane for this!
Ames on the Heidelberg Catechism is In!
If you love Reformed theology (whether from Europe or from the UK) you will love this book. William Ames was probably the greatest student of William Perkins. If you identify with the Heidelberg Catechism, if you are looking for resources for understanding . . . Continue reading →
Ames Available at the Bookstore at WSC
It’s volume 1 in the Classic Reformed Theology series and it’s $27.78 + shipping (hardcover, 288 pages). There are not many primary sources by William Ames available in English. That alone makes this volume important and interesting to everyone interested in Puritan . . . Continue reading →
Reason From Scripture
Four WSC students have a new blog devoted to “Reformed theology and analytic philosophy for the contemporary church.”
Good Deals from P&R
Faith Once Delivered: Essays in Honor of Dr. Wayne R. Spear 4.75 S. M. Baugh, New Testament Greek Primer $6.00 Hope Fulfilled: Essays in Honor of O. Palmer Robertson $6.00 Robert B. Strimple, Modern Search for the Real Jesus: An Inroductory Survey . . . Continue reading →
Sacramental Piety Reviews Caspar Olevian and the Substance
At Sacramental Piety. To order your copy of the book click on the icon (some icons are okay for some things!).
Samuel Rutherford for the 21st Century
By Guy Richards at Ref21.