and it’s back in print. The Bookstore at WSC should have some shortly at a discount.
Of Remonstrants and Rationalists
Bavinck had some interesting things to say.
Why Did Arminianism "Win"?
Sometime back Howard wrote to ask, “How and when did Arminianism become the predominate view?” That’s a good question. First, we should distinguish between Jacob Arminius (James Hermanzoon) and the Arminians (or the Remonstrants). Relative to the conclusions Arminian/Remonstrant theology later reached, Arminius . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 21: What is the Order of Regeneration and Faith?
Today’s Heidelcast answers mail on the question of whether it is to the living or to the dead that God gives faith. Dan writes to ask “I believe, at least inferentially, that the Canons of Dort teach that regeneration logically precedes faith. . . . Continue reading →
The Contemporary Relevance Of The Reformation
There is an old saw, “Now you’ve quit preaching and gone to meddling.” The “preaching” is telling the story. The “meddling” is applying the story. Folk will tolerate it when historians tell stories about the past. They might be entertaining or interesting . . . Continue reading →
The Catholicity Of The Canons
Wherefore, this Synod of Dort, in the name of the Lord, conjures as many as piously call upon the name of our Savior Jesus Christ to judge of the faith of the Reformed Churches, not from the calumnies which on every side . . . Continue reading →
Sectarians: Socinians, Arminians, And Pietists
By the end of the seventeenth century, there was a sense that sectarian groups – a list that included Socinians and Arminians, as well as Pietists — were increasingly establishing themselves throughout Europe to the detriment of true Christianity. As Elisée Géraud . . . Continue reading →
The 5 Articles Of Remonstrance (1610)
ARTICLE I. That God, by an eternal, unchangeable purpose in Jesus Christ, his Son, before the foundation of the world, hath determined, out of the fallen, sinful race of men, to save in Christ, for Christ’s sake, and through Christ, those who, . . . Continue reading →
Packer: Owen Wrote Death Of Death Against Amyraut, Arminius, And An Anglican
The Death of Death is a solid book, made up of detailed exposition and close argument, and requires hard study, as Owen fully realised; a cursory glance will not yield much. (“READER…. If thou art, as many in this pretending age, a . . . Continue reading →
Burying The Lead On Baxter
There is a phrase in journalism called “burying the lead” (or, since about 1979, the cloying variant lede). The lead (lede) is the paragraph in which the most important, salient facts are contained. In the old days (c. 1975), the writer was . . . Continue reading →
Arminianism Or Amyraldianism?
V. They [the Remonstrants] distinguish therefore, between the obtaining of reconciliation and the application of it. They contend that reconciliation and remission of sins is obtained for all, which yet is applied only to them that believe, that all men are given . . . Continue reading →
Are The Remonstrants Heretics?
This question comes over the transom regularly. I think most confessional Reformed pastors would probably say that, though they disagree strongly with Arminianism, it is not heresy. Somewhere I read (or heard) that William Ames (1576–1633), who served as an advisor . . . Continue reading →
Canons Of Dort (3): Synod Approaches
We live now in a “victim culture.” The best example of this is so-called “intersectionality.” This is a reference to the different ways in which one has been victimized. They intersect in the victim. It is like a game, the one with the great number of claims to victim status wins. Heather MacDonald explains: “‘Intersectionality’ refers to the increased oppression allegedly experienced by individuals who can check off several categories of victimhood—being female, black, and trans, say.” Continue reading →
New Resource Page: On The Atonement
Few Christians doctrines have been as controverted, in the modern period, as the atonement. For whom did Christ die? What did he accomplish in his death? Should we say that Christ died for all? These are just some of the questions addressed . . . Continue reading →
New In Print: The Synod of Dort: Historical, Theological, and Experiential Perspectives
The Synod of Dort is one of the most important events in the history of the Reformed Churches. From 1618–16 delegates from the Reformed Churches the Netherlands, the British Isles, and Europe attended (or, in the case of France, were prevented by . . . Continue reading →
Warfield: Lewis Sperry Chafer’s Theology Is Like Fire And Water
Mr. Chafer is in the unfortunate and, one would think, very uncomfortable, condition of having two inconsistent systems of religion struggling together in his mind. He was bred an Evangelical, and, as a minister of the Presbyterian Church, South, stands committed to . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast For October 30, 2022: Every Tribe, Tongue, And Nation (23): Fifth Head Of Doctrine (3)
In this episode, Dr. Clark continues his series on the Canons of Dort, looking at the Fifth Head of Doctrine, specifically examining one of the great and persisting differences between the Reformed and Remonstrant (Arminian) confessions: the difference between the Reformed realism . . . Continue reading →
The Narcissism of Evangelical Latitudinarianism
This essay was written before I published Recovering the Reformed Confession (2008), which, remarkably and quite unexpectedly, remains in print. In it, I interacted with a book review published in Christianity Today which serves as a symbol of the way Pietists and modern evangelicals . . . Continue reading →
Riddlebarger: The Most Pernicious Arminian Error
This particular Arminian error may be the most pernicious, since at first glance. it appears to come close to the truth, but nevertheless bases the ground of our salvation upon an act of the creature, not in the decree of God and . . . Continue reading →
Riddlebarger: The Promises Are Yes And Amen In Christ
Amillenarians hold that the promises made to Israel, David, and Abraham in the Old Testament are fulfilled by Jesus Christ and his church during this present age . . . The millennium is the period of time between the two advents of . . . Continue reading →