New in Print: Brian Lee on Cocceius

There are few subjects in historical theology about whom more has been written on the basis of less research than Johannes Cocceius (1603-1669). He has been alternately hailed as the “founder” of covenant theology and the corrupter of it. Of course, both . . . Continue reading →

Perkins on “The Law is Not of Faith”

Thanks to Particular Voices for posting a page from William Perkins’ commentary on Galatians 3:12. Thanks to Rich Barcellos for pointing me to it. I took the liberty of transcribing the text and updating the spelling to make it more accessible. Perkins . . . Continue reading →

Peter Martyr Vermigli on Law and Gospel

In the history of Christian theology there have been two ways of speaking about the relation between law and gospel: 1. historically and 2. theologically or hermeneutically. These two ways of relating law and gospel are complementary. The first way of relating . . . Continue reading →

Happy Birthday to the Heidelberger!

In January, 1563 the Heidelberg Catechism was adopted by the Palatinate Church (the German Reformed Church). That means that the Heidelberg Catechism, or the Heidelberger as it’s sometimes known, is 450 years years old this year. As with Calvin in 2009 there . . . Continue reading →

Just In: Hart’s Calvinism: A History

D. G. Hart’s latest is just out: Calvinism: A History (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013). It just arrived in the post so I’ve not had time to read it and we have a dinner guest arriving any minute. I hope to . . . Continue reading →

Is Republication Really That Confusing?

A pastor writing a Q&A column in a small Canadian religious newspaper answered a question about republication recently by writing “as a general rule, Reformed Christians agree that the Covenant of Works was established at the start with Adam, and with all . . . Continue reading →

Heidelcast 48: Making Some Sense Of The Republication Debate Pt 1: History


Parts of the confessional Reformed world in North America are in the midst of a controversy over whether it is biblical, confessional, and historically Reformed to teach that the Mosaic covenant was, in some sense, a republication of the covenant of works. . . . Continue reading →

The Reformed Tradition On The Free Or Well-Meant Offer Of The Gospel

A commenter recently objected that there is no such thing as a Reformed tradition or history of the free or well-meant offer of the gospel. I reply: critics of the Reformed doctrine of the free or well-meant offer are entitled to their . . . Continue reading →

HT566 History Of Covenant Theology

Course Description An introduction to Reformed federal or covenant theology. The course surveys the historical-theological development of covenant theology, its exegetical foundations, and systematic-theological consequences. Fall Semester. 2 Credits. Course Goals —Academic Goal: To enable the student to understand and discuss intelligently the . . . Continue reading →

Useful Myths And Reformed Identity Markers

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) first provides multiple definitions of the word “myth.” The first says, “A traditional story, typically involving supernatural beings or forces, which embodies and provides an explanation, aetiology, or justification for something such as the early history of . . . Continue reading →

Yes There Is A Reformed Doctrine Of Justification

Recently I responded to John Armstrong’s post on the TIME magazine new Calvinist discussion. In his reply, John makes this startling claim: There is no monolithic Reformed voice on justification (especially re: imputation) and I would be very happy if we allowed a . . . Continue reading →