It was a great joy to have Guy on campus and to spend time with him again. He is a scholar and a gentleman. You can see more photos and hear the three lectures for yourself here.
Coming This Fall: Reforming or Conforming?
Thanks to Gary Johnson and Ron Gleason for their editorial work. David Wells wrote the foreword. Contributors include Paul Helm, Paul Wells, R. Scott Clark, John Bolt, Jeffrey Waddington, Paul Kjoss Helseth, and Martin Downes (HT: Martin Downes). Crossway says that this . . . Continue reading →
Missional and Reformed: Online and Free
The annual January faculty conference focused on the relations between Reformed theology, piety, and practice and the emerging/emergent missional movement(s). The text of the talks are now available for free on the WSC website. They include: Friends or Foes: The Mission and . . . Continue reading →
It's Out: Reforming or Conforming?
It should be available at the Bookstore at WSC soon. Click on the image to order.
It's In the Bookstore: Reforming or Conforming: Postconservative Evangelicals and the Emerging Church
Edited by Gary Johnson and Ron Gleason, Reforming or Conforming contains essays on on Scripture (Paul Wells, and John Bolt), on John Franke’s use of postmodernism in theology (Paul Helm), on Brian McLaren’s relation to boundaries (Scott Clark), on Princeton and reason (Paul . . . Continue reading →
A Partim…Partim Response to Zerochurch
From the main page at Zerochurch: “We have a talk, but no preaching. We have an offering, but not for us, for the poor and oppressed. We have a warm community, but don’t care a lot about formal membership We have a . . . Continue reading →
On Being Truly Postmodern
There is a good deal of talk in contemporary evangelicalism about the rise, nature, and effect of so-called “postmodernism,” a movement in architecture, literature, philosophy, and religion associated with a circle of French writers such as Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida. In . . . Continue reading →
Did the Reformation Spawn a Million Churches? or Who’s the Modernist Here?
That’s the old canard that the Emergent Village folks appear to be trotting out (HT: Daily Scroll). Honestly, I wonder where this lot went to school. I noted the strange historical story that EV folk tell themselves in my essay in Brian . . . Continue reading →
DeYoung, Restless, and Reformed
Kevin DeYoung, co-author of Why We’re Not Emergent (Even Though We Should We should Be) has a new blog. You can find more resources on the emergent/emerging movements here. There is also a chapter in RRC that offers a polite invitation to potential . . . Continue reading →
Yes There Is A Reformed Doctrine Of Justification
Recently I responded to John Armstrong’s post on the TIME magazine new Calvinist discussion. In his reply, John makes this startling claim: There is no monolithic Reformed voice on justification (especially re: imputation) and I would be very happy if we allowed a . . . Continue reading →
The Next Big Church Thing
One of the hottest restaurants in my hometown of Chicago is Next. Chef Grant Achatz’s first restaurant, Alinea, has three Michelin stars and is regarded as one of the best restaurants in the world. Achatz wanted his second restaurant, Next, to be . . . Continue reading →