Thanks to WHI producer extraordinaire Shane Rosenthal for giving us a heads up via email. Who says that the Emergent movement is harmless? If there were any doubts that it’s utterly wedded to religious subjectivism and to the worst strains of pietism, . . . Continue reading →
brian mclaren
McLaren Calls Out Machen's Warrior Children
The boomer evangelicals are converging. In a brief, undated blog post (HT: Jeff Locke) McLaren has seized the analysis of “Machen’s Warrior Chidren” offered by another boomer critic of Reformed confessionalists, John Frame, to characterize them as those
Brian's God
Brian McLaren has source of continual fascination at the HB. He’s also been so for Martin Downes at Against Heresies. Martin is raising questions about McLaren’s latest in which he demonstrates that concern that the Emergent Movement is just another form of . . . Continue reading →
The Next Big Church Thing
One of the hottest restaurants in my hometown of Chicago is Next. Chef Grant Achatz’s first restaurant, Alinea, has three Michelin stars and is regarded as one of the best restaurants in the world. Achatz wanted his second restaurant, Next, to be . . . Continue reading →