Harold Camping has shown himself to be a false prophet. He promised that our Lord would return in 1994. Jesus didn’t return. Camping erred but he remains impenitent and unashamed. Indeed, he’s now promising that Jesus will return in 2011 (HT: Austin . . . Continue reading →
Harold Camping
What You Don’t Know About Harold Camping
Harold Camping is back in the news with yet another prediction of Jesus’ return. What you might know not, however, is that Harold has a history of this dating back to before his first false prediction in 1994. He was an elder . . . Continue reading →
The Sad Saga of Family Radio Continues
Harold Camping has done a lot of good. Many people, who might otherwise never have heard anything like Reformation Christianity, learned about the doctrines of grace and amillennialism (i.e., that the 1000 years of Revelation 20 are symbolic of the period between . . . Continue reading →
Prediction: Harold Won’t Miss This Deadline
Zeke Piestrup has made a documentary following Harold Camping (and see this post) and company in the days leading up to and just after May 21, 2011, the day Camping had said Jesus would return—Apocalypse Later: Harold Camping vs. The End Of The . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 35: Zeke Takes Us Behind The Scenes As The World Ends (Updated)
If you’ve been following the HB, the Heidelcast has been in re-runs for several months. Today, however, the Heidelcast is back with a brand new episode. Earlier this week I talked with Zeke Piestrup about his new documentary, “Apocalypse Later: Harold Camping . . . Continue reading →
Harold Camping Dies At Age 92
According to a statement released by Family Radio, Harold Camping (1921–2013) has died (HT: Sarah Pulliam Bailey—Her RNS story) When the internet became available to the public, after connections became fast enough to allow pages to download in less than 30 minutes, . . . Continue reading →
The Next Big Church Thing
One of the hottest restaurants in my hometown of Chicago is Next. Chef Grant Achatz’s first restaurant, Alinea, has three Michelin stars and is regarded as one of the best restaurants in the world. Achatz wanted his second restaurant, Next, to be . . . Continue reading →
Let Us Not Have Another Harold
We are living in a time when the consciousness of the end of the world not only grips the community of faith, but also the world at large. Political and economic chaos characterize our news reports, and the recent applications made in . . . Continue reading →
Revisiting Harold Camping’s End Of The World
Wild eschatological interpretations and predictions of Christ’s return have always been a problem since Christ’s first coming, and I fully expect another great prediction of the end of the world will soon be upon us to the disillusionment of many. We seem . . . Continue reading →