The Narcissism of Evangelical Latitudinarianism

Preface This essay was written before I published Recovering the Reformed Confession (2008), which, remarkably and quite unexpectedly, remains in print. In it I interacted with a book review published in Christianity Today which serves as a symbol of the way Pietists and . . . Continue reading →

Inter-Varsity And Rome

When I was in seminary a few years later, I had a discussion with our local InterVarsity rep, who was a seasoned, old-time IV veteran. When I brought up my concerns about the dangers of inductive Bible studies and heterodoxy, she surprised . . . Continue reading →

ECT: A Post Mortem

Since the 1994 publication of Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT), the evangelical body has been convulsed periodically over the doctrine of justification. The patient, to strain a metaphor, sustained a second attack in 1998 with publication of ECT II or The Gift . . . Continue reading →

Are Reformed "Evangelical" or "Evangelicals"?

Lee Irons raises the question of the relations between Reformed Christians and American evangelicals.  Much of this discussion comes down to definitions and I don’t recall that Lee offered a definition. In the immortal words of President Nixon, ” let me say . . . Continue reading →

They Aren't Really Addressing the Issue Yet-updated

Lee surveys some responses to this discussion about how Reformed folk should relate to contemporary evangelicalism. None of these responses really gets to the issue of definition. There’s a great body of secondary lit (and this list is very selective and omits some . . . Continue reading →

iMonk: Evangelicalism's Stock Needs to Drop

Michael explains why. It’s also possible, according to Darryl Hart, that “evangelicalism” doesn’t exist. Mike Horton has argued that “evangelicalism” should be considered just a place to talk, a village green of sort. Clark argues that Reformed Christians are “evangelical” but not . . . Continue reading →

What Richard John Neuhaus Means to Me

A number of evangelical and socially conservative blogs and publications are marking the death (not “passing” but that’s another post) yesterday of Richard John Neuhaus at age 72. It is not remarkable that social conservatives are weeping today. After a career as . . . Continue reading →