That’s what Randy Blacketer says will happen if Synod 2008 adopts the proposed new form for confessional subscription (HT: Mark Vander Pol). Update: Andrew comments here.
Christian Reformed Church
The CRC's Second Great Awakening
WSC IT specialist Adam laments the development in the CRC of the office of “ministry associate” (which must be found in a n obscure textual variant of Eph 4!). I couldn’t respond directly on his blog (I hate Xanga) so I reply . . . Continue reading →
CRC and RCA: No Reason to Remain Separate?
That’s what Amway titan Rich DeVos said recently to the Grand Rapids newspaper. So he has plans to reunite the Christian Reformed Church and the Reformed Church in America (HT: Presbyterians Weekly News). The columnist comments that no one remembers why the . . . Continue reading →
EPC Moves Toward the Mainline and the Mainline Moves Toward the Drain
Recovering the Reformed Confession I described the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (along with the CRC) as a part of the “borderline” (as distinct from the mainline and the sideline). At the time, the CRC appeared to be moving toward the mainline (which trajectory . . . Continue reading →