That’s what Randy Blacketer says will happen if Synod 2008 adopts the proposed new form for confessional subscription (HT: Mark Vander Pol). Update: Andrew comments here.
confessional subscription
Even More on Bible and Confession (Updated)
Lee critiques the way I relate the Bible and the confession in this earlier post. As I understand his post he has one major complaint with two aspects, 1) that I misrepresent the oath taken by WTS profs; 2) that ignore the . . . Continue reading →
When Officers Subscribe
Wes has good thoughts on the sacred duty of subscribing the Reformed confessions.
Gregory is Reading RRC
At Honest to Blog
On Arminius, Confessional Subscription, and the Limits of Tolerance
Jacob Arminius (d. 1609) thought of himself as Reformed. He wanted to be regarded as Reformed. He graduated from the seminary in Geneva. He studied with that stalwart of Reformed orthodoxy, Theodore Beza (d. 1605). He was a Reformed minister in good . . . Continue reading →
"Informed" or Reformed? A Sub-Text of the PCA Strategic Report?
Of course Reformed Christians want to be well informed but PCA church planter Martin Hedman has been writing some of the most thoughtful and incisive commentaries about the PCA strategic plan. Recently he commented, …it seems more and more that I am . . . Continue reading →
Is The Confession Of The Substance Of Our Faith?
David writes to ask about a brief essay I wrote several years back on the distinction between the substance and accidents of the faith and how I reconcile what I wrote there with what I’ve been arguing about the nature of confessional . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 104: Recovering The Covenant Of Works (4)
Remember our definition of the covenant of works. It was that legal arrangement into which God voluntarily condescended to enter and by which he promised eternal blessedness to Adam, on the condition that Adam by personal, perfect, and perpetual obedience should keep . . . Continue reading →
Three Vital Questions For the PCA In 2021
There are three great questions to be faced by the PCA in 2021: Continue reading
Good Guys, Bad Guys, And A Missing Category
The largest NAPARC denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is in the throes of an identity crisis. Founded by Southern Presbyterians and emerging out of the old PCUS (the Southern version of the Presbyterian mainline) it has always been more more broadly . . . Continue reading →
Is It “Fundamentalist” To Forbid The Teaching Of Exceptions To The Standards?
David Cassidy says it is:
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The Synod Of Dort Required Ministers To Subscribe The Catechism, The Confession, And The Acts Of Synod (Including The Canons) As A Standard Of Orthodoxy
The practice of subscribing the confessions of the church is not new. Continue reading →
New: Resources On Confessional Subscription
The Christian church has always had a confession or a creed. There are creeds in Scripture itself, e.g., Deuteronomy 6:4, “Hear O Israel, Yahweh our God, Yahweh is one.” This was recited in the synagogue as a confession of faith and it . . . Continue reading →