At Daily Confession and Daily Westminster. Thanks to Reuben (Ruberad) for doing this.
westminster standards
Office Hours: The Theology Of The Westminster Standards
The Westminster Standards are a collection of churchly documents, a confession of faith, and two catechisms drafted by an assembly of pastors and theologians called to meet to provide a confession and catechisms that would unify a nation divided internally by civil . . . Continue reading →
Why Do Confessional Presbyterian Churches Use Images Of Christ?
The Westminster Larger Catechism (a constitutional doctrinal standard of the PCA) in answer to question 109 says sins forbidden by the Second Commandment include “making any representation of God, of all or of any of the three persons, either inwardly in our . . . Continue reading →
Good Guys, Bad Guys, And A Missing Category
The largest NAPARC denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is in the throes of an identity crisis. Founded by Southern Presbyterians and emerging out of the old PCUS (the Southern version of the Presbyterian mainline) it has always been more more broadly . . . Continue reading →
1689 Vs. The Westminster Confession (5): “One Striking Omission”
Our comparison and contrast of the WCF with the 2LC continues through chapter 3, Of God’s Eternal Decree. In this installment we see some interesting revisions and one striking omission. WCF 2LC 1. God from all eternity did, by the most wise . . . Continue reading →
1689 Vs. The Westminster Confession (6): A Tale Of Two Confessions
Our comparison and contrast of the WCF with the 2LC continues through chapters 4 and 5, “Of Creation” and “Of Divine Providence.” WCF 4.1 2LC 4.1 1. It pleased God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the manifestation of the glory of His . . . Continue reading →